Actually, according to science playing bingo should be very stimulating for your brain (if you paly several plates simultaneously) - far more than doing crosswords.
It's serious - but I dunno why it is so.
ChadH wrote: a 6 digit passcode has 1000000 combinations.
drfc wrote:The clues are in the isnt just a wild guess
cornettracing80 wrote:congrats on throwing down the coffin nails bro!!!
i love that someone felt driven to give you that intricate advice that the code is in the room!!
wow now i can go back in and pretend i didnt know that and get it..
sounds just like a "armchair race driver" guys just wait....either the game is malfunctioning or the code is crazy to decypher.
i also have been trying for a while.....and i am sure anyone reading this is thinking..let me have a look at it....i cant wait till you get to!
then you can join me and chadh in jail.... unwanted man love tho..we dont roll like that!!
drfc wrote:may i suggest you watch the demo again on sw site,the game carries on from end of demo with knock on door...look for the clues
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