by greenwolf86 » Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:36 pm
Just got my extreme open! Gizmondo, not sure where you are stuck, but I think the Extreme should be pretty similar to the standard Tessarisis. The clues are still helpful for it (although like the standard Tess, they don't give everything needed to open it; they still leave some discovery up to the opener).
Isis, Isis, Eden, Aurum, Extreme, Devil - 5%/1% (I want a 1A, 1B and 1C - PM me)
Ramisis: Extreme, Diamond - 5%; G1, G2 & Devil - 1%
Copernisis: Devil - 5%; Extreme & 1% in process
Tessarisis (Diamond),Extreme, Devil - 5%
Tarka, Extreme - 1%; Devil in process