Hi All, just looked at the prices for the tess( about to order) and its gone up to £350. It was £185 last year! That puts me out of the adventure, to much for me.
When I got mine, I got it on special offer with the Tarka. (It was bonus time of year too! ) Even without the offer it wasn't that much though! Unless the puzzle has totally changed then I shouldn't see a reason why it's gone up so much! You should email one of the admin perhaps or the office and ask? It's a lot to pay for a puzzle!
If the tess is going to stay at £350+ I think I may have to walk away and let my three puzzle go to a new home. They have been opened and I have the keys they can all be reset. But not sure how much to sell them for. Any ideas??
Perhaps have a look on eBay and see how much they're going for and that may give you a rough idea?
Like you say, the puzzles can be reset and still redone so if there is someone out there that just wants the puzzles and not the adventure then you will easily sell them at a cheaper price than the brand new ones are.
Let us know how you get on. I may think about doing the same with mine you know!
Anyone wish to purchase a Signature Tessarisis 10/150 with black tarka let me know and we cab discuss a sensible price
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