Did i broke my isis?

Clue help and progress on solving the Isis

Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby Pyromancer » Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:55 pm

Sounds like it's over tightened, try turning it both ways (clock/anti-clock) to see if that cures it.

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Re: My Isis isn't working properly

Postby evilkeen » Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:58 am

Darnell B. wrote:I have a problem with the placentas on my Isis. I Have not yet opend the Isis but the placentas are about 1cm apart. I can't hear any ball bearings inside, does anyone know to fix it?

Hi Darnell

I have sent a reply to your PM about this...
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby transsi » Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:47 pm

I have a huge problem. I putted the maze ball to the magnet and my fiance put it together.. atleast for the first click. Now the halves are stuck and im not even sure that the ball goes to the maze. How do i open this now? I have rolled this for hours now.
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby Pyromancer » Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:34 pm

You can't fix this easily, on all but the original versions of the Isis the ball bearing needs to be at the centre of the maze when it is re-assembled, as it's needed to work with the button to hold the locking system open to allow the puzzle to be screwed back together.

It is possible to fix, but it's difficult and involves inverting the puzzle, silencing the two BB's and then banging the puzzle on the underside of a table while twisting the puzzle to do it up or undo it.

The easiest solution is to pay Sonic Games to fix it for you.

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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby HowlingBananas » Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:23 pm

I have a problem with my isis when i gently press the bottom half(I still haven't opened it) you can hear a click, actually more like a popping sound. Can someone please tell me if I should be concerned or not?
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby 00Lisa00 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:42 pm

Have same issue, opened Isis, my husband tried to close and re-set. The placentas are lined up but there is a gap and we can't seem to re-open or fix using any of the advise I've found so far. Anyone have a fix? Thanks!
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Isis Placentas off

Postby Vlancii » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:58 pm


Opened my Isis. WOOT. Followed directions to close it, and even read the boards to ensure that I did it correctly. The only problem is that the two placentas are 90 degrees apart (looking at one from the front, the other is on the side). There was no audible 'click' when assembled, and I don't think it's overtightened because I didn't hear the click. But....I don't hear any ball bearings. Banged it on the floor several times, nothing changes!

I've spoken to a couple of people who said they've never seen the placentas offset like that when reassembling. There is no gap between the two halves (which is common when the placentas are on opposite sides).

Does anyone have any insight? (Other than sending back to Sonic...) :)

Thank you.


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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby xiaonvren » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:46 am

Thanks to evilkeen, that was a great help

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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby johnnyboy8643 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:39 am


I seem to have put my ISIS puzzle back the wrong way. Now there is a gap between the 2 halves and they seem to be locked in place. I've no idea how to open it again. Would love it if someone could help me out. I don't even know if the ball can enter the maze

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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby greenwolf86 » Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:15 am

Hi Johnnyboy,
Your puzzle sounds fine; I think it just locked up before you finished putting it together. The easiest method to fix this is to re-solve the puzzle how you originally did. If you took a picture of the puzzle before you put it back together, then you can send a copy of it to Orko and he can give you access to the 5% Club. We discuss some strategies in there for re-opening when this happens. Otherwise, send me a PM and I can give you some suggestions.
Last edited by greenwolf86 on Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby Makan » Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:12 am

Hello Everyone. I’m also have the issue as everyone above. I’ve tried screwing them together and no luck. I think the 3rd ball can’t fall into the maze because it’s not aligned. Any help would be grately appreciate
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby lguerrero » Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:10 pm

Hi everyone!! I posted this same issue in another post, but this one seems to have more people in it.

First, the puzzle had the placentas misalligned, like in this photo.

ISIS.jpg (115.52 KiB) Viewed 5995 times

Then I read in this post that forcing it to unscrew could help, so I did that and the puzzle snapped into the actual position in which it's stuck. It has a bit of screwing margin (I can twist it like half a cm) but in the opening direction hits a clear stop, and in the other direction in kind of gets stuck:

ISIS 2.jpg
ISIS 2.jpg (116.4 KiB) Viewed 5995 times

ISIS 3.jpg
ISIS 3.jpg (115.61 KiB) Viewed 5995 times

But I stil can't hear the 2 BBs. I hear some yiguiling inside, specially when placed with the botton looking up, but when trying to place th BB for the 2nd half of the solution I can't hear them "roll". I hear something but I wouldn't call it a rolling of ball bearings. BTW, I have tried the "broken" solution explained in this video with no luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sCGotCw2Y

Any help/advise?
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby lguerrero » Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:15 pm

lguerrero wrote:Hi everyone!! I posted this same issue in another post, but this one seems to have more people in it.

First, the puzzle had the placentas misalligned, like in this photo.

The attachment ISIS.jpg is no longer available

Then I read in this post that forcing it to unscrew could help, so I did that and the puzzle snapped into the actual position in which it's stuck. It has a bit of screwing margin (I can twist it like half a cm) but in the opening direction hits a clear stop, and in the other direction in kind of gets stuck:

The attachment ISIS 2.jpg is no longer available

The attachment ISIS 3.jpg is no longer available

But I stil can't hear the 2 BBs. I hear some yiguiling inside, specially when placed with the botton looking up, but when trying to place th BB for the 2nd half of the solution I can't hear them "roll". I hear something but I wouldn't call it a rolling of ball bearings. BTW, I have tried the "broken" solution explained in this video with no luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sCGotCw2Y

Any help/advise?


But I don't think this is supposed to be like this...

First, that doesn't seem like the right key... isn't it? That might be what I was hearing inside, and what was sometimes blocking the bottom.

Secondly, the ball bearing spoiler removed

Any comments on either one of these things?


ISIS 5A.jpg
ISIS 5A.jpg (71.05 KiB) Viewed 5995 times

ISIS 5B.jpg
ISIS 5B.jpg (65.56 KiB) Viewed 5995 times
Last edited by greenwolf86 on Sun Jan 12, 2020 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Spoiler removed
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby brettpim » Sat May 09, 2020 9:32 pm

My wife gave me an Isis more 10 years ago as a present. Through the clues and some happy accidents (involving my 6 year old daughter) I was able to open it. I was able to consistently open it several times but then I put it back together and could not longer open it. I am not sure what I did wrong but it has remained closed to this day despite repeated attempts. Having some COVID-19 related time I got it off the shelf today and started to do some research to see if I could open and repair it. I found Mr Puzzle's video with a suggested open-fix and tried it. It was a partial success. After applying his method I was able to then turn the two halves clockwise against each other 180 degrees but then it stopped turning. The two halves are loose enough to wiggle a little bit and I can turn the two halves counter clockwise back to the closed state.

Please help
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Re: Did i broke my isis?

Postby lguerrero » Sun May 10, 2020 8:13 am

I’ve just PM you. Basically solve again the second part and go on. Hope it helps!
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