well I have had my Isis for a while but havent touched it in over a year because it is broke. I actually think the inside mech is poorly made unless they have made changes to it. The metal grooves cut into the side that are meant to hold the "catch" in place gave out and now no longer hold the catch down. So now the puzzle is just an expensive paper weight. I can't even put it back together and if I could it would be impossible to reopen as the catch would not say in the down position preventing it from being opened. I opened and closed the puzzle probably about 10 times total but I think for it to fail after only 10 times is unacceptable. I contacted SG and they said the best they could do was %20 off a new one. I would have been willing to accept a new one and pay for shipping in both directions (to ship the broken one back) but no go. Oh well it was a fun puzzle but I think this is a design flaw. Has anyone else had an issue like this?