Signatured Ramisis

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

Signatured Ramisis

Postby Zerahemnah Dhall » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:01 pm

I am just about 1 click away to buy the Signature Ramisis,
There will be only 50 pre-orders available, now my question is, how many pre-order Signatured Ramisis are left? or still available?

And what is the benefit to have a Signatured version vs the "normal" version? I mean, what do you get extra for 195 pounds?

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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby evilkeen » Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:46 am

Well, they are very good questions....

Or putting it another way, I don't know!

However, I suspect the answer to your second question is that for your extra cash you get (1) a signature ;-), and (2) getting one sooner than you might otherwise.
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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby Marmot Man » Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:17 am

It should be 49 or less at this point, since I put my order in for a signature Isis a week ago. :D Is it worth the 195 pounds? That is up to you. I just received my first "Cool Blue" Isis (as well as a Kuku and Iball3) on 12/27. I have all of the clues decoded, made some progress (I think) but not quite there yet. My Isis remains closed. I'll get it eventually.

Why order the second puzzle already and pay 195 pounds? Because I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of the Isis and Kuku. Puzz definitely knows what he is doing (IMO). These aren't just simple trinkets. More like works of confounding art. I KNOW I am going to want to get all 5 of the puzzles eventually. Might as well join the queue for the 2nd puzzle ASAP.

Just my thoughts/opinion of course. But one man's reason, anyway, for placing his order.
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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby Marmot Man » Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:41 am

From what Andrew posted on Facebook, it sounds there are 27 (or less) available now...
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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby BINGER19 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:34 am

what did the regular ramisis cost. I dont have 311 bucks for a signature one so i figured id wait until the regular one comes out.. Does anyone remember how many beans there where.. US dollar
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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby Marmot Man » Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:00 pm

Afraid I don't know what the going rate was, or will be, for a standard Ramisis. On the Facebook page he has suggested that he is planning for 250+ Ramisis to be made this year. But no indication of price. Obviously from a business standpoint it doesn't make sense for him to announce the regular price before all 50 Signature Ramisis are spoken for. From the SG website it looks like there are 19 left... And he is sweetening the pot a bit by including lifetime membership in the Isis Adventure with the Signature Ramisis.
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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby jeppe7 » Thu May 03, 2012 10:11 am

Got my signatured Ramisis 2nd edition today, great! :) It was supposed to come with lifetime membership to Isis Adventure. Does anyone know how I "activate" this membership? I registered the puzzle to website but "password credits" "other games" "hints, tips & clues" are grey and not available for me. I also can't download booklet instructions from website, just getting blank page.
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Re: Signatured Ramisis

Postby Marmot Man » Thu May 03, 2012 3:00 pm

Lucky you! I haven't received mine yet. But there always seems to be a multi-week turnaround on getting anything from SG here in the US. Just the wait for customs I suspect.

In any case, I would imagine all you have to do is send an email to "" and request the lifetime membership be activated. This is what I did back when I purchased my Cool Blue Isis in order to activate my one-year membership. The response time was very quick - my membership was activated within a day.

Not that I've made much progress on any of the pyramid riddles. :)
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