Puzz wrote:Hi Folks,
Update 1st May 2011 - (Latest update) Loads going on here, very exciting times ahead, new games, toys and puzzles now being worked on for both Topdraw Games and the Isis adventure series and more...
1. Iball3 launch planned at Hamleys 18th June, I and possibly TV crew will be there, join us if you can.
2. Initial design work started on Isis4 - anyone have a good name for it?
3. Copernisis - now being sold thru new retailers in USA
4. Ramisis re-design started and aiming for re-launch later this year.
5. New Sentinel, new design, new graphics, new internal game within puzzle. Now on sale and selling well in USA and UK
6. The Isis adventure. Already more V. pyramids and more free searches have been added.
6a. As a very special promotion we are offering 5 x new iballs for the next 400 members that join from 1st January 2011 The iballs will be distributed at random places throughout the next 200 to join. So maybe the next person, or 36th person, 78th person, 112 person or 179 person to join gets an iball ! You wont know unless you join.
6b. Results so far(winners of Iball3) are:
11th member = Melissa wourms USA wins Iball3 launch date June 2011
42nd member = Stephen Peat UK wins iball3
101 member = Amreeta Gill USA wins iball3
1?? member = ??? wins iball3 (within next 15) so hurry !
7. The Kuku and the online game is still live, New Kuku puzzle will be updated to cube shape later this year.
8. Check out our sister company, Topdraw games and the new iball to be released later this year.
http://www.iball3.com9. New Virtual pyramid added this month April in UK
10. New free Isis free seraches added this month.
Best Wishes
Andrew Reeves (Puzz)
MD Sonic Games Limited and
Inventor of the Isis Adventure.