New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby AndrusyszynPM » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:34 am

So I've recently got a Ramisis. Decoded my clues like a good little cryptologist. Played around with it a while. Figured out about where I was when I wandered I into the Rings of Hell in between the second and third layers from the top. From there I can usually get to the long quiet vertical passage, but some times it doesn't work even though I do the exact same twisting and moving of the puzzle. But either way while I was in the shaft I was doing lot of turning of the rings and then I couldn't turn the top two layers counterclockwise (right, back, left, front) anymore and the placenta was facing away from the front (the side with the Ramisis logo). I thought this was where the key was supposed to pop out but it did not. Not sure what to do. Been wandering around ever since, been back to the long shaft a couple of times but can't get it to lock in the same position anymore although I'm not sure if it will or if I have to go back to the beginning where ever that is. And if I do make it back to the beginning will I be able to take it apart if the key is still there? Any advice would be welcome.
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby matt_p_dales » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:52 pm

Hey Dude,

You may need to send this back to SonicGames. I may not be correct but what you are saying suggests to me to the at the chamber should have come out at this point.

If what you are saying is correct in that palcenta is facing the back of the buzzle away from the chamber, I am confident that oy should have your key.

The other option rather than send it back is to try and complete the extra challange and dismantel it maybe on hte 2ns time around it would open.

Hope this helps

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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby AndrusyszynPM » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:28 pm

matt_p_dales wrote:
If what you are saying is correct in that placenta is facing the back of the puzzle away from the chamber, I am confident that you should have your key.

So this can only happen at the end? What if I just wandered back to the beginning before I got the key wouldn't this happen there too?

The other option rather than send it back is to try and complete the extra challenge and dismantle it maybe on the 2nd time around it would open.

What do I need to know to be able to dismantle it? And more importantly, where can I go to get some Official Sonic Warp people to confirm that I have a problem? I doubt if posting in the forums will get their attention.
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby jazz » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:14 pm

you have gone past the point of release and need to do it again.
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby Karen_G » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:49 pm

Hi AndrusyszynPM,

Try to get the placenta to lock at the back of the puzzle again, as you are working on it, make sure that your hands/fingers never touch the key chamber, as it is possible that it may have opened very slightly, but you accidently held it in, causing it to relock again.

If this doesn't work, contact and they will be able to help you :)

Best of luck with your Ramisis,

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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby AndrusyszynPM » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:47 pm

Karen_G wrote:Hi AndrusyszynPM,

Try to get the placenta to lock at the back of the puzzle again, as you are working on it, make sure that your hands/fingers never touch the key chamber, as it is possible that it may have opened very slightly, but you accidentally held it in, causing it to relock again.


Sounds like sane advice. I'll give it another go. Just to make sure I understand though, I'll go to the long quiet shaft and try to redo my moves that locked the placenta away from the front and see if the key pops out.
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby AndrusyszynPM » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:47 am

Karen_G wrote:Best of luck with your Ramisis,


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Umm. I don't mean to seem ungrateful or anything but shouldn't I be taking advice from someone who has opened their Ramisis? Or maybe it's just time to update your signature?

Anyway still working on your suggestion. Can't seem to get it to lock in the same place as before. Also trying to go down from the ring of hell but that doesn't seem to work either.
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby matt_p_dales » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:01 pm

Chill Dude,

:D :D

Trust me Karen prob knows mores than all of us. :wink:

Right I have taken my puzzle apart I know the exact workings and mechanics of the puzzle.

If your placenta is facing the back and the key chamber is not out a few things could have happened:

1. You had your finger over the key chamber and turned it 180 degrees and not 90 degrees not realising the chamber should have come out locking it back in place. IF this is the case it doesnt matter howm many times you go to that point you are only going back to the start of the 2nd half of the puzzle the Key chamber is locked until you get back the way you came. In which case you will move the latch again and release the chamber.

2.For some reason when the latch moved over you key chamber did not come out. I have known this to have happen to people in the past I am not to sure what actually could cause this, even knowing the inner workings of the puzzle!!

So to summerise you either need to get back to the start of the puzzle or if you think you Ramisis is damaged contact SonicGames.

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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby Karen_G » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:59 pm

AndrusyszynPM wrote:Umm. I don't mean to seem ungrateful or anything but shouldn't I be taking advice from someone who has opened their Ramisis? Or maybe it's just time to update your signature?

lol :lol:

Yeah, I should change the Ramsis to a "half opened" or "Key removed" status... I've managed to get the key out, but I've not yet managed to completely dismantle the puzzle so I left it in the unopened category.

I hope you manage to get the key soon, but if not, Sonic Games will be able to help you

(... I really can't get used to Sonic Games (SG) much prefer the old Sonic Warp (SW) name! )

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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby jazz » Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:25 pm

that was uncalled for there are not many puzzlers who have opened the Ramisis completely. I have and my help stops here Karen is a fantastic lass and respect is called for when talking to her. END OF STORY...
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby Karen_G » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:08 pm

I really don't think AndrusyszynPM meant to be nasty with his comment, he was just joking with me :)

But thanks for sticking up for me, that was really sweet of you both (Jazz and Matt) Thank you :D

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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby AndrusyszynPM » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:17 am

Karen_G wrote:I really don't think AndrusyszynPM meant to be nasty with his comment, he was just joking with me :)

But thanks for sticking up for me, that was really sweet of you both (Jazz and Matt) Thank you :D


Your right Karen, maybe next time I'll have to use my British accent so it translates better. :) Stupid American English, always getting me in trouble while traveling abroad.. :D
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby Karen_G » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:41 pm

AndrusyszynPM wrote:Your right Karen, maybe next time I'll have to use my British accent so it translates better. Stupid American English, always getting me in trouble while traveling abroad..

:lol: I knew what you meant, so no problem :)

How are you getting on with the Ramisis? Any luck with it so far?

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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby AndrusyszynPM » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:38 am

Karen_G wrote:How are you getting on with the Ramisis? Any luck with it so far?


Well since the only reason I'm not in the 5% club is either because of an "illegal finger placement" or a broken puzzle, neither of which I'm happy about, I've decided my only hope is to dismantle this Lucifer of a puzzle. [EDIT: - Sorry - too much information about the puzzle mechanism]
Also, I'm trying to decide if there is some sort of door mechanism that I have to line up in addition to getting two adjacent layers properly aligned. If that's necessary, then there are a lot more combinations possible and the randomness of this puzzle is even greater than I imagined. Either way I know I could have brute force picked my way through a Master Lock by now even without the internet cheat method.
Last edited by Karen_G on Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Too much information posted about the Ramisis for the main forum
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Re: New Ramisis Owner - In need of advice.

Postby orion2185 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:59 am


I just deleted my original post

as I just answered my own questions.

I just got my key chamber open!!! Very exciting
only took my less than 3 hours.

Whoooo Hoooo
Last edited by orion2185 on Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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