Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby walther » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:12 pm

Huszar wrote:agreed. i hope the offer to get our electronics updated is still available.

The last message I got from Andrew (A couple of days ago), he indicated that they were still working on getting working boards that could be sent out, he just didn't have them yet. So, did it fall through or is it that it's just taking longer than he is willing to wait and he decided to skip that part of the adventure, I don't know.

Anyway, I'm with the side saying the entry to the 5% forum should only be after the puzzle has been taken apart and completed. I would really like to have seen that the online puzzle would only be available after a picture of the dismantled puzzle was submitted, but that might be too much for the SW team to have to deal with at this point.

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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby stet » Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:02 pm

I think I understand why SW would want to allow people to complete the puzzle at the point where they get the key. Without the RVC there is nothing for us to enter into our accounts to show that we have completed the puzzle and currently SW has to manually update our accounts when we send them a picture of the puzzle. I could imagine that they don’t want to have to spend the time doing that for everyone who solves it. But I still don’t like it.

Perhaps a compromise could be made by making modification to the Ramisis puzzles that haven’t shipped yet or are still being produced. I don’t know how many Ramisis puzzles have been shipped so far or if the production run is done with or not. But if there are still Ramisis puzzles being produced, why not stamp a number (perhaps the decoded RVC for that specific puzzle) on one of the hidden surfaces that couldn’t be seen until the puzzle is dissembled? It wouldn’t change anything for people who already have theirs and SW would still have to manually update our accounts, but not everyone who has one will ever get to the point anyway. Eventually enough of the “new” Ramisis puzzles would get into peoples hands and they would no longer have to manually update accounts for completed puzzles. Also consider the fact that to enter the 5% club in the forum you still have to take a picture of the dissembled puzzle and your forum account has to be manually updated. Since you have to have the forum account manually updated anyway what’s the harm in having both accounts (which are more or less tied together these days) manually updated at the same time?

The bottom line is I really don’t like the idea of people getting full access to the benefits of solving a Ramisis if they have only reached the half way point.
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby bluesign2k » Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:49 pm

stet wrote:... But if there are still Ramisis puzzles being produced, why not stamp a number (perhaps the decoded RVC for that specific puzzle) on one of the hidden surfaces that couldn’t be seen until the puzzle is dissembled? It wouldn’t change anything for people who already have theirs and SW would still have to manually update our accounts, but not everyone who has one will ever get to the point anyway. Eventually enough of the “new” Ramisis puzzles would get into peoples hands and they would no longer have to manually update accounts for completed puzzles...
What a good idea!! :)

stet wrote:The bottom line is I really don’t like the idea of people getting full access to the benefits of solving a Ramisis if they have only reached the half way point.
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby LouIsis » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:46 pm

The booklet already needed a reprint (no time zone leaderoard), but now (no RVC, no "release the light within") the whole theme of the puzzle is gone, this calls for a redesign rather than a reprint!

I hope I am misunderstanding a few things here, but at this moment I feel like January 2009 has become the complete opposite of Januay 2008 in my personal Isis adventure...

I can see some positive potential for SW though...:
If the electronics are no longer of any importance to the puzzle (solve it without any light, read an engraved number after disassembly), then SW could produce future Ramisis puzzles (much?) cheaper, and would also save themselves the expenses of fixing/replacing electronic boards. That would be a good reason to reduce the Ramisis resale price, which would definitely increase sales, and get more adventurers on board, who then also buy Isis3, and so on...

If the Ramisis is "solved" after getting the key out, and dismantling it is no longer part of the game, then I bet the Ramisis production could be even more simplified (i.e. cheaper), but then it is aparently not worth the title of most difficult puzzle.

Will we see an Eagle Ramisis soon?
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby Happyhannah » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:53 pm

Hell, even if they just wrote a number on the inside with marker pen, it would still be a reason to get to that stage! No need for the fancy stuff!

And yes, it should be a lot cheaper for them :)
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby Huszar » Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:34 am

i agree there should be a hidden number inside. but for anything more than $50 i think SW would get a lot of complaints about a marker. if they can afford to engrave their website on the bottom of my personal puzzle, then they can afford to engrave one more number. i'd like to see unit numbers on these. maybe that would be a good number to hide inside.
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby bingabonga » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:16 pm

Happyhannah wrote:And yes, it should be a lot cheaper for them :)

the electronics aren't the expensive parts usually, a small simple circuit board with only a few components only costs a couple of pounds, so i dont think the price will be affected that much, if at all.
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby Karen_G » Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:07 pm

No news from Ade yet about the entrance requirements for the 5% club.

Although it's killing me that I can't actually read part of the forum, I really want to solve the Ramisis completely and on my own, so as others have said, I don't think we should be allowed 5% access until we send a picture to Ade with the Ramisis in pieces ... although if I haven't opened my Ramisis in another month, someone please confiscate my computer as I may change my mind!

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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby NoNoNoNo_YES! » Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:35 pm

I managed to open the key chamber yesterday and entered the key number, and paid a yearly membership which now gives me access to the online game, however the instructions for the second part of the puzzle no longer seem to exist, so for me the value of the puzzle has been greatly reduced. I have paid a considerable amount of money for a puzzle which can now only be half done, surely therefore, either the full instructions should be supplied or we should be entitled to half our money back.

Its legally questionable whether they are within their rights to decide to charge an additional amount to continue the puzzle if you were not informed of this extra charge when you bought the puzzle.It is also questionable whether they are within their rights to withdraw part of the instructions to enable you to fully complete a puzzle you have paid a considerable amount of money for. If it is not illegal, it is certainly immoral!

I am extremely disappointed by both these changes and will have to think very carefully whether I buy any future products as it appears they can charge you for a product and then only supply you with a portion of what you have paid for.
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby jazz » Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:58 pm

They have not said you can't finish the puzzle, strange they have removed the instructions though. At this moment I fear the moderators might shout so before I say anything I will ask them :?:
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby stet » Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:22 pm

Another problem that I have with this is that at this stage you can't reset the puzzle back to it's starting position. You would have to perform the steps which they have now removed in order to complete the puzzle by taking it apart and then you can reset it.
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby Karen_G » Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:34 pm

jazz wrote:They have not said you can't finish the puzzle, strange they have removed the instructions though. At this moment I fear the moderators might shout so before I say anything I will ask them :?:

Thanks Jazz :D

It is odd SW have removed the instructions to the second stage!!! I really want to finish the Ramisis completely too, hopefully Puzz will agree to Jazz's suggestion :D

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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby rommel » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:17 pm

I just opened the key chamber today, and I was hopefully looking for instructions to be able to dismantle the Ramisis. But a BIG :cry: disappointment there are no clues. That the competition is not anymore involving the RVC is also dissappointing, but not my first aim. At least give us our clues to be able to dismantle it and finish it. That is what we paid for (that was not a small amount).
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby jazz » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:27 pm

Still not had permission to say on the open forum :? It would be easier that way than keep pm'ing everyone. :D
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Re: Changes to Ramisis Instruction Booklet

Postby Karen_G » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:44 pm

It really is a shame SW have removed the instructiuons. I think it's a great idea to allow people to have access to the game after opening the key chamber, but I agree with other members in that access to the Ramisis 5% club should only be given after you have opened the Ramisis completely. Moreover, I can imagine most people wanting to finish opening the Ramisis completely anyway, I know I do, even though I haven't even managed to get the key out as yet :oops:

I sent a PM to Puzz last night asking him if we could keep the Ramisis 5% club entrance requirements the same. But if that was to happen we do need the instructions, so I've also asked if Jazz could post the instructions on the forum (thanks Jazz :D ), or maybe the instructions could be included on the main website as a "instructions for entry into the Ramisis 5% club" link.

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