Hello hello,
I purchased the Ramisis a while back so my Girlfriend could give it to me as a Christmas present... Think I got conned but anyway.....
So come Christmas day I open the Ramisis and decipher the clues, read up on the forum although only skimming, and set to work trying to complete it.Now the first problem, as I'm sure ya'll can guess, is that I have no lights. No biggie, it seems to have happened to most, and I'll be looking to get that fixed as and when I get the thing open.
Problem number two, and what I come to you wonderful people for help with, is that on picking the Ramisis up for the first time, and I could already hear some clue number 3's, and have since worked out I started with them in the ROH. Thus I don't believe I was able to do clue number 1, and have no idea where I actually am in terms of am I at the start, should my key chamber have popped out already or what?
I've had a lot on my plate the last few weeks so haven't really had any major time to work on the puzzle, but fingers crossed life should be quieting down soon and I can spend more time puzzling.
Any guidance would be great, and well done to those who have managed to open the infernal thing, I hope to do so some day too.