Partial Victory with the Ramisi5....

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

Partial Victory with the Ramisi5....

Postby armor99 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:54 am

Finally..... the key chamber is out!!!! :lol: Wow.... that really made my day. I have been fideling with that thing for days now. Just thought I would take a moment to "bask in the glow". Not sure if the lights will work now or not. I am hoping that when the time comes and I hopefully can open it completely... that there will be a green light flashing to greet me. I will be really unhappy if I get all the way through and then have to send it back again. It really took me by surprise when the chamber popped out! It had quite a bit of force behind it.... hehehe :)
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Re: Partial Victory with the Ramisi5....

Postby Karen_G » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:34 am

Congratulations armor99 :D

I wish I was at that stage! Picking my Ramisis up now...... it will open.. it will open... it will open.... :lol:

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Re: Partial Victory with the Ramisi5....

Postby cornettracing80 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:58 am

congrats on getting this far!....hope to see you in the 5% club soon!! :D :D
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Re: Partial Victory with the Ramisi5....

Postby walther » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:12 pm

I'm right there with you :D my key chamber popped out unexpectedly and hit me in the cheek ( I was "listening" to it in the dark :lol: )

I think I have actually made it out of the ROH... again... seems to always end up back there :evil: now if I could just get the next step figured out...

I had this happen last night. the top ring locked on a twist like it did when I first pulled it out of the packaging, but this time it locked with the 2nd to the bottom ring while the middle and bottom rings still moved freely. I made a twist and it all freed up and it's never happened again. has anyone else experienced this???

All I can say is.. oww my fingers really hurt....
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Re: Partial Victory with the Ramisi5....

Postby jazz » Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:53 pm

It's the sore head which hurts the most :D keep going your on your way :D
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