leaderboard challenge

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby MissileMike » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:04 pm

If it is like my key the game will be over before i get the ramisis.
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby stet » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:10 pm

Lee Piggott wrote:I'm still waiting for a product I ordered back in July seems like people are getting a head start in the race and others are being held back.
Since they are going to continue adding more and more Ramisis pyramids you don't have to select one right away when you solve your Ramisis/Ramisi5. You can always wait for the next new pyramid to show up and then be in on the race to solve it right from the beginning instead of joining in to one that already has people working on it.
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby ChadH » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:15 pm

drfc wrote:it says in instructions that new riddles will be continually added to create other chances to win gold????

But he also said that as of next week once you select a riddle, you will not be able to choose another :?
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby PUZZ » Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:29 pm

Additional Ramisis pyramids will be added to the map as time goes by, thus providing more opportunites to win more gold coins, obviously to win more than one gold coin or have the opportunity to try and win more than one gold coin is going to require more than one Ramisis in your collection.

Currently there are NO puzz riddles, but that will change as time goes by.

We are trying our very best to get Ramisis out to you all - but dont worry about those who have a head start, the online game is definately going to slow things down, and new pyramids will come online for those still waiting for the Ramisis.

We are also able to change the actual game itself if we feel it neccessary, so again those who complete the current game would not have the answers to the modified game, should we choose to modify it.
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby Trumpets » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:47 pm

PUZZ wrote:The Ramisis online game is over for your chosen pyramid once the gold, silver or bronze virtual coins are claimed.

Is there an indicator BEFORE you choose a pyramid that tells you which coins are left?

I am sure some people would be upset if they chose a pyramid and next found out that the gold and a couple silver coins had already been claimed (leaving them no chance at all for a gold coin).
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby themagicdude » Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:27 pm

I agree. I hope we can see that, but something tells me that we won't be able to. And I'm a bit upset that people right now: a. get a gold coin for finishing the game and b. get a crack at easier riddles. By the time my ramisis is shipped out, arrives, and I solve it, one of these two that are currently able to play the game are obviously going to have beaten it.
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby cornettracing80 » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:20 am

think so do you?.....the game is really hard i dont think it will be complete any faster than a riddle would ..for real..i am a gamer and i am currently stuck on level one.....everyhting is going to be all right.....deep breath.....and release.... :lol: :lol:
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby themagicdude » Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:07 am

Good to hear. Is the game fun?
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Gold coin pyramids

Postby PUZZ » Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:02 am


I wouldnt be so cruel as to let you pick a pyramid where the gold has already gone, now would I :twisted:

We will clearly indicate which pyramids have "live" golds available at the time you choose a pyramid. Obviously if someone claims the gold soon after you join the pyramid that's life, but its unlikely to happen as new pyramids are being added all the time, so you will be able to wait until a new one is added and select it.
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby cornettracing80 » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:25 am

OMG Puzz used a :twisted: .....just like us commoners :lol: :D :D
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby adamwest » Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:58 pm

PUZZ wrote:Folks,

I wouldnt be so cruel as to let you pick a pyramid where the gold has already gone, now would I :twisted:

We will clearly indicate which pyramids have "live" golds available at the time you choose a pyramid. Obviously if someone claims the gold soon after you join the pyramid that's life, but its unlikely to happen as new pyramids are being added all the time, so you will be able to wait until a new one is added and select it.

I guess he is in the Halloween spirit!!!!
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby LouIsis » Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:35 am

Ouch, this Ramisis game is taking a weird turn all of a sudden :roll:
Do we really need to play a computergame to complete the Ramisis puzzle?
I like solving puzzles and riddles, not playing computergames!

In other words: Are there NOT going to be REAL pyramids for the Ramisis keys to open :( :cry: ?
I believe they are the second greatest fun of the adventure (after the forum :wink: ), and I understood there would be one new pyramid each month...
Can I open a REAL pyramid (maybe one from the Isis 1 map) with my Ramisis key :? ?
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby ChadH » Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:18 am

It's not so much of a computer game - it's more a case of a logical puzzle that you solve on your computer.
From what I know so far, there will be no physical Ramisis pyramids, and you will not be able to use your Ramisis key to claim a prize from an Isis pyramid.
Puzz has stated that the Ramisis pyramids will be logical puzzles rather than Puzz riddles (at this stage).
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby evilkeen » Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:44 am

ChadH wrote:From what I know so far, ... you will not be able to use your Ramisis key to claim a prize from an Isis pyramid.

Not sure about this ...

Admin on 28 December 2007 wrote:
Each of the first four isis puzzles has a specific key associated with it, these keys are requested from us once the puzzle is solved. With any new puzzle launch we generally place a key in each of the puzzles for the first few thousand puzzles, then the keys are replaced with tokens or online instructions where you can request the key from us.

The keys open all the global pyramids that we distribute throughout the world, the pyramids contain master locks, which allows the four different keys to open any pyramid at any stage of the adventure.

The final purpose of the keys it to commence the solving of Isis V, where 4 x keys from Isis I - IV are required to start the solution of solving the final Isis puzzle in the series.

Puzz on 3 January 2008 wrote:
Yes the first batch of Isis II will all have keys in them, after that we will probably replace the keys with tokens, which can be redeemed for free keys.

The same pyramids will be used for all isis 1- IV , all the keys are different for each puzzle, but the pyramids have been fitted with master locks, which allows all the keys to fit. So if you dont buy isis I, but buy isis II and solve it, you can still go for a gold coin and open the pyramid with the isis II key.

I will be introducing a pyramid scale award system though for those that claim gold coin awards from real pyramids that own all the isis series to date. For example own Isis I only and claim a gold coin = £500 or own isis I and II and claim a gold coin = £750.00 or own isis I, II, III and claim a gold coin = £1000.00 and finally own Isis 1, II, III & IV and claim a gold coin=£1500.00

Isis V has only one winner, and you will need to own and have solved the previous four isis before you can even start to solve isis V because you will need all the keys.

The award for Isis V is still to be decided, but it will be BIG and be hidden somewhere that can be reached on a worldwide flight path.

You heard it here first !


Has this changed?? I imagine that you can't claim both though, i.e. prize from a virtual Ramisis pyramid AND gold from a real pyramid (just like you can't get a prize from the Eagle award zone and gold from a real pyramid)
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Re: leaderboard challenge

Postby ChadH » Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:48 am

When you get your key out of your Ramisis, you get more information. Part of that information strictly says do not use your key in an Isis pyramid.
I didn't want to come straight out with my source of info :wink:
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