big bang theory

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Re: big bang theory

Postby kitkit » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:22 pm

Kheldar wrote: They just recently said (per the news) that we need more vitamin D from the sun, except that the sun causes cancer, so how does that work?

Aha! i was told by my doctor that my vitamin D levels were low a few months back... was just told that about 20mins of sun exposure per day is enough, but to also put on a low factor suncream to stop myself from burning and causing cancer etc, plus i was also put on Vitamin D and Calcium tablets a month or two later to help boost it.

I tend to lean towards science, but that's cause i can't understand the fact of there being a god - why can't we see him up in the heavens? where did he come from as he must have existed elsewhere to therefore create the universe and Earth as he can't create himself...(thinks back to Men in black and how our galaxy were inside marbles that some aliens were playing with :D ). i just have too much of an inquisitive mind, and with the bible, i have no idea what to believe with that! i mean it can all just be folklore, tales passed down and exaggerated, and then finally some people decided to write down the stories in one book - the bible. But i do also believe and hope that there is something else after death, that it just doesn't go black and that's it we don't exist... but then again to accommodate all the souls in heaven and hell... they would surely be absolutely massive places by now! so perhaps we get reincarnaited? come back as another human. People have noticed things like a birth is always follwed by a death or vice versa, so perhaps there's a balance?
i just take the bits of things that i do like and put them together - i don't have a religion, i just make up my own mind and believe what i want to believe, whether it be religious or scientific... although the whole Da Vinci Code thing got me thinking as i noticed they had a none altered last supper painting in a church in prague... :|

hmm... i wonder how frustrating these convosations are for those who haven't opened the isis and are looking for clues and hints as to how to open it :D
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Re: big bang theory

Postby steve » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:43 am

kitkit wrote: i mean it can all just be folklore,

I agree it could be folklore, but the bible doesn't say at the beginning that it is a book of folklore.
My father was a preacher(please no Dusty Springfield jokes, I have heard them all before)and it seemed like he was preaching to me all the time, I was the prodigal son (apparently). To counteract this constant barrage of biblical biblitriture, I just used to say to him: "The bible was a chronicle of daily events two thousand years ago. Today a chronicle of daily events is called a newspaper, and we know how much of that we can believe!!" I think that the bible is written in riddles, ridiculously hard riddles, mmm, sounds familiar, but at least some people have proved that Puzz's riddles are based on truth.
Before I have the KKK chapping at my door, what I have written above is what I think, after my childhood, I would not dream of pushing my beliefs into others faces, in my mind the bible is useful, as is the yellow pages. :D
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Re: big bang theory

Postby cornettracing80 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:21 am

Holy Crap!! **watching for lightning bolts**...the bible is like a news rag?...from a preachers' son?....i want to hang out with you man.. :lol:
a "laymans guide to civilized life" ...but a newspaper...i do love that response though!!! :D
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Re: big bang theory

Postby cornettracing80 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:22 am

when jahovas witness members come door to door here they start thier pitch with "do you know your going to hell?" mom always told them "well, all my friends will be there!"....lmaooooo
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Re: big bang theory

Postby Kheldar » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:06 am

Speaking of which, anyone happen to know why Jehovah's Witnessess' Kingdom Halls (churches) never have any windows?
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Re: big bang theory

Postby Kheldar » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:15 am

steve wrote:I would not dream of pushing my beliefs into others faces, in my mind the bible is useful, as is the yellow pages. :D

I confess (as a Baptist Music Minister), some Christians are really bad about pushing Christianity on people, but that's not really how it's supposed to work. Many people are backwards (even hypocritical you might say), and that's unfortunate, but we're all human, or at least, so it would seem. :? A true Christian doesn't hide what he believes about Christ, but lives in such a way as to prove that what he believes actually means something to him, and can be meaningful to others, rather than hit everyone on the head with their Bible! So let me apologize on behalf of all Christians out there for those of us who slip into the pushy mode; they really do mean well, but like many things, intentions are most often never perceived correctly and implications are generally never inferred appropriately, and quite frequently they may not even fully understand that which they are trying to explain to others, which makes it even more pushy. So, all that to say, try to keep in mind that pushiness is often not intentional, and if it is, it's wrong, and that pushy person doesn't speak for all Christians.
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Re: big bang theory

Postby cornettracing80 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:24 am

the road to hell is paved with good intentions....the fall of the church as spoke of in Revelations is well under way if not complete..i was talking to my christian friend today about ascention...the taking of gods people to heaven just before armaggedon ..i ask him if he was sure it had not already happened and he said "no,i am still here!"...i had to think to myself...thats probably what the people from "enron" thought....false prophets and money grubbers will not get you into heaven,and there seems to be alot of them....i actually couldnt think of a way to fell the catholic church but by god,satan found a way...homosexual pedefilia..unreal....who could have guessed that!..i would have thought just sex would be enough...nooo...they went over the top..headshot....i am either an athiest,or maybe a wiccan if whorshipping our earth mother is wiccan lol....if jesus does come back ,all our asses are kicked....god is dead on this forsaken marriages,child rape by preists,greed,gluttony,adultry being a high percentage norm,aids,wars...the list is endless..i really compliment the current practicing christians on there endurance,even if it is for not...
i hope to be proven wrong,but am not optomistic about it
that doesnt mean i dont respect religion,it is quite powerfull...more blood has been spilled in the name of religion than all the wars combined x2..women burned...and dont even get me started on what the church did to the knights templar...
eat sleep and reproduce is all we have to do,the rest is personal choice
i have been married 18 years,my children do not break the beloved 10 commandments ,but do not attend church...some people really do need it..
it all needs to be standardized..alah?,mohamed?christ?ra? what side is the right side..they all say its thiers..i have resolved to accept the church has fallen,
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Re: big bang theory

Postby cornettracing80 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:57 am

i love everyone without needing to be told to.
i give money to the needy every chance i get
i only am abusive to people so as to straighten them up,hoping they will be loved by everyone
i will not eat in front of anyone,they must share my food
i always pick the lowest person in any gathering and befriend them
to steal would only embarass me
i am no better than the lowest human alive
who does that sound like?
oh and one more thing thats a real killer....i cant for the life of me get a baptist to agree that they are an animal...that is so funny...all you have to do is get in the middle of a group of over 1,000 people to plainly see how much LIKE animals we still are :lol:

(i am so bored ,someone else say something controversial )
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Re: big bang theory

Postby Kheldar » Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:32 pm

cornettracing80 wrote:i have resolved to accept the church has fallen,

Of COURSE the church is fallen! That's the whole point of the Bible, the depravity of man vs. the perfection of God! The list of sins is indeed staggering, and will continue to escalate until the end. When is the end? Who knows but God? Will we be taken up before, during, or after the Great Tribulation in Revelations? Who knows but God for sure? That's not something I'm willing to answer to someone and be wrong (though it is fun to speculate).

I know of many non-Christians with "better" morals than some who profess to be Christian (again back to Christian hypocrisy), and I truly respect their sense of morality, wherever it comes from. The world needs good people in it, Christian or not! What happened in the religious wars was just crazy in my opinion; what people will do in the name of religion! Manipulation, tricking the mind, these are things that have probably been done since the beginning (the mind being weak as it is, yet also the most powerful thing on the planet!).

Personal choice is exactly right. In the end, that what it comes down to, and that's one reason I like Christianity! God gives man the ability to choose for himself right or wrong, good or evil, God or not God. What kind of Creator does this? I'm glad you asked! :) One who cares enough to not have a mindless army worship Him, but people who actually are dedicated to Him because they choose to be. He'd love for everyone to choose that way, but of course being omniscient and everything He knows that there will always be those who refuse and reject Him. Part of being God I guess. Shambles.
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Re: big bang theory

Postby Kheldar » Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:36 pm

cornettracing80 wrote:who does that sound like?

It sounds like a number of things, but was there one in particular of which you're thinking?
oh and one more thing thats a real killer....i cant for the life of me get a baptist to agree that they are an animal...that is so funny...all you have to do is get in the middle of a group of over 1,000 people to plainly see how much LIKE animals we still are :lol:

(i am so bored ,someone else say something controversial )[/quote]

I'll agree that I'm an animal. :D Am I the first Baptist to agree? Do I win a prize? Do I pass go and collect $200, or maybe $300 in this case... 8)
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Re: big bang theory

Postby steve » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:23 pm

cornettracing80 wrote:(i am so bored ,someone else say something controversial )

The concept of this whole thread could be considered controversial, we need to hear different people’s thoughts, we are not part of the Borg, and we don’t all think the same
I certainly did not want to sound controversial, but the fact that even people belonging to the same religious groups have different beliefs.
As has been said, more people have died in religious wars than anywhere else; do we think that is what god wants?
Or looking at it from a scientific angle, is it natural selection? Is the fittest religion trying to survive?
I personally don’t believe in god, by god, I mean the god that churches and preachers try to convince us is there, and he loves us all. That is why I think that the bible is entirely fictitious. I remember seeing a young boy approach my father when I was younger, the boy said that his mum, dad and sister believed in god but he didn’t. His piers had him convinced that he was destined for eternal damnation. My father told him to go and read his bible, and then god would find him. I am sure that boy left thinking that the bible was some sort of magical lamp and god was going to out of it like a genie. That young boy died a few weeks later, he was run over by a drunk driver, he had his bible in his hand at the time of the accident. Did god find him? I doubt it.
But saying that, I obviously don't have the authority to say that their god does not exist, however I don't deny that there may be some sort of celestial being that started the whole process off. The bit I don't get is the fact that a lot of people need for there to be a god, they need god to be in there heart/soul all the time. I take it that is where faith comes in.
At the end of the day, we will all believe in what we want to believe in, all the religious fighting that has went on and is still going on has proved nothing.
I don't think any worse of people who are religious than people who aren’t. I like Steve’s list of twenty first century commandments, they are just common sense, and it is true that you don't need a god or religion to be a decent, honest or polite individual.

Right that's me; I am going to chop my soap box up for kindling.
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Re: big bang theory

Postby cornettracing80 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:56 am

wow amazing post steve..and kheldar...great responses... :shock:

thanks alot .. :D

a baptist who believes his ancestors where monkeys?...that is a first!! for is it possible to be a christian and believe in evolution over creation?
so was there a dog,or a frog in the garden?..did the female of their species also bite an apple?..or is procreation only a sin for homosapiens?
if eve had not committed the original sin none of us would be here...Adam gave up a rib to create Eve...what if Adam would of gave up a kidney,or an eye?
could we have gotten an upgrade?..(j/k ladies :D )...scientist know there was a genetic bottle kneck that thinned the gene pool...probably for the best if adam and eve happened ..everyone was a inbred relative...adam and eves kids where super freaks,kinky....lots of sister lovin' in the garden :shock: :shock:
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Re: big bang theory

Postby Kheldar » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:24 am

cornettracing80 wrote:wow amazing post steve..and kheldar...great responses... :shock:

thanks alot .. :D

a baptist who believes his ancestors where monkeys?...that is a first!! for is it possible to be a christian and believe in evolution over creation?
so was there a dog,or a frog in the garden?..did the female of their species also bite an apple?..or is procreation only a sin for homosapiens?
if eve had not committed the original sin none of us would be here...Adam gave up a rib to create Eve...what if Adam would of gave up a kidney,or an eye?
could we have gotten an upgrade?..(j/k ladies :D )...scientist know there was a genetic bottle kneck that thinned the gene pool...probably for the best if adam and eve happened ..everyone was a inbred relative...adam and eves kids where super freaks,kinky....lots of sister lovin' in the garden :shock: :shock:

Ahh, I think I was misunderstood when I said I believed I am an animal. That's not to say I believe that man evolved from monkeys. Sorry for the confusion! No, I believe that Genesis account that man was formed from the dust.

Now then, to the questions! :lol:
Not possible for a Christian to believe in evolution over creation.
I'm sure there could have been dogs and frogs in the garden, but it's irrelevant to humanity whether or not they bit any apples.
Procreation, of itself, is not a sin. We were designed for it.
If Eve had not committed the original sin, none of us would be here: quite possible.
Adam didn't give up a rib, God took it from him.
Everyone was inbred, it's true, weird as it is to believe.
Cain and Abel, and whoever else Adam and Eve conceived, wouldn't have been freaks, because at the time, it was perfectly normal and acceptable to intermarry, especially considering it was the only option.


I love conversations like this!
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Re: big bang theory

Postby cornettracing80 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:25 am

quite right god took the rib..good point....aint nuttin wrong with some good ole' sister lovin'...heheheh :lol: :lol: :lol:
love them too kheldar...
you came from dust? primeval ooze?..or like abracadbra magic dust?...the appearing act is non-comprehensable to me..something from nothing?.
who created god?..."he just always was" sounds like something someone that has surrendered to his/her own fate without the will to question their situation.
why did you put up with that?...because thats just the way it has always been...
no mention of dinosaures in gods plan 100 million years mention....chapters being removed from biblical accounts of beings, "pre-flood"..such as giants,the dead sea scrolls know the story...i have no problem believing i am a natural part of species that are still in their evolutionary stages..i have extreme hardship believing man just appeared by gods will...i know the arguement about "why have we stopped evolving then?"..but you can still make that point because i dont know if we have stopped...evolutionary kick backs are all over your body...babies born with tails...overly hairy men...i tried out a new theory of mine at disney and it worked quite well...without any lead up i showed my teeth...yes ,like a snarl...several diffent levels of reactions but all down the same alley...mostly it was "what?..whats wrong?"...humans still respond to displaying our teeth like dogs..i believe we are full of evolutionary kick backs ,if you know what to look for and except that you are just another species of evolved animals on this planet.....i genome away from a chimp..just because we speak does not disclude us all from the animal kingdom... :D
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Re: big bang theory

Postby steve » Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:28 am

A couple of wee points,

If Eve was made from Adam's spare rib, then they would have shared DNA, so, how come now we all have different DNA?

I have met some people; one guy especially, that I was at school with, taking one look him and immediately you can see the resemblance to the monkeys. His face is enough proof for me.
I mean we are talking the true Neanderthal look.
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