Gary's Mum wrote:...When I arrive I am told the pyramid was removed over a week ago, some dispute with SW and the owners of the venue...
WTF?!?! Not cool!
Im glad I hadn't gotten around to making any guess on this pyramid yet!!
I take it none of the mods were aware of this??
I can see only three possible resolutions to this...
The pyramid is not replaced, and therefore anyone who used the password checker for the Birmingham pyramid will be getting a refund for
all their guesses on that pyramid.
The pyramid will be quickly replaced at a location close to the old one and using the same password, and anyone who managed to find the pyramid at it's old location will be informed of the new location.
The dispute will be resolved and the pyramid put back where it was.
On the face of it this seems pretty much inexcusable, but I'll reserve judgement until I've heard SW's side of the story...
As much as I like the puzzles and the adventure, SW seem to have alienated more than a few of their previously loyal customers lately
The best of it is that many of these situations could have been avoided by with just a little communication beforehand!
edit: as ScottyBot pointed out in another thread, it would appear that the pyramid has been moved and the password kept the same as the first line of the riddle has now changed... might have been nice to have been told though