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Postby ScottyBot » Wed May 21, 2008 7:25 pm

I reckon if we share our guesses with all of the forum, someone may finally have a brainwave and get the right answer:

Here goes:

1) "The point of no return" (from the clue)
2) "Event Horizon" (from black holes etc.)
3) "Radius of Action" (can't quite recall where this came from - something about flying I think and refers back to 1))
4) "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (Reason: the picture shows a third section marked over a number of concentric
rings. Can be interpreted as "a third in the ring series". The extra clue
can be interpreted as "The point of no return" (as per my previous guess) and therefore the answer I come to is "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
5) "Schwarzschild Radius" (from Black holes again)
6) "Crossing the Rubicon" (again I can't remember exactly why - think it was again based on 1))

All of these were wrong and no indication whether they were near or way out.

What did others guess?

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Postby Happyhannah » Wed May 21, 2008 8:19 pm

My first guess was to do with planetary orbits (can't remember exactly now), then I gave up for ages and forgot about it.

THEN I was in the Royal Society in London and happened to see this portrait of Halley, which looked SO SIMILAR that it got me going again:

I looked it up and found that he proposed an idea about magnetic fields. I was about to submit it when I saw that a clue had been added. I bought the clue, and not seeing any relationship between that and my guess, I didn't bother.
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Postby shinobee85 » Thu May 22, 2008 1:17 am

There must be different clues. Mine had to do with taxes.... :?:
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Postby voltrondefender5 » Thu May 22, 2008 1:31 am

so i submitted an answer a while ago but never heard anything back, does this mean something?
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Postby ScottyBot » Thu May 22, 2008 6:33 am

shinobee85 wrote:There must be different clues. Mine had to do with taxes.... :?:

No, I think there is only one clue (the taxes one) unless anyone can confirm that they bought a clue and it didn't have the word "tax" in it?
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Postby quailburger » Thu May 22, 2008 7:08 am

I submitted an answer a few days ago too voltrondefender5, heard back very quickly, but then submitted another but have heard nothing for a while so unless we both have it right, I dont think it means anything sadly.

I also have the same clue.
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Postby evilkeen » Thu May 22, 2008 10:41 am

My (only) guess was that it was to do with time - some kind of sundial. That was before the clue appeared (and I haven't seen the clue).
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Postby knotron » Thu May 22, 2008 3:02 pm

Its not the big wet bite the Government takes out of you a**e for taxes.
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Postby Cocovanna » Thu May 22, 2008 3:33 pm

knotron wrote:Its not the big wet bite the Government takes out of you a**e for taxes.

You mean the larger part, I suppose?
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Postby voltrondefender5 » Thu May 22, 2008 7:36 pm

alright finally heard back. got it wrong though. i thought that each ring represented each of the five isis' with the segmented part being the 5% club of each respective isis, the outer ring being the isis I and the inner ring being the isis V. then the signulairity at the middle was the final prize for whoever solved al five isis'. thought it fit. oh well back to the drawing board.
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Postby Gary's Mum » Thu May 22, 2008 9:58 pm

:shock: :shock: :shock:

blimey, no wonder it took along time to answer :wink:

only joking that must have taken sum working out

Cant remember all of mine at the mo. other than the one I already mentioned, some sort of sundial (time) and something in maths found on tinternet were the rings slowly nest together, it was called nesting something or other.

must make note in future if we are going to list them. I have not tried anything since the clue, its a real taxing one :!:
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Postby quailburger » Fri May 23, 2008 9:39 am

I still haven't heard anything from my last guess :(

I've submitted the answer twice now. Maybe its so ridiculous a guess it doesn't even justify a response :?

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Postby cornettracing80 » Fri May 23, 2008 11:09 am

i bought the clue,spent a couple of months on it ..broke down and bought an Nkryptor out of aggrevation.. :? :?
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Postby quailburger » Fri May 23, 2008 2:46 pm

aaaaand wrong :oops:

So its nothing to do with boomerangs either.

I was thinking of the boomerang shape, then I checked and saw that you can play competitively - take a look at the scoring system

the more lateral thinkers out there will see the amusing conection with the clue also. :lol:

I'll return to the drawing board then.
Last edited by quailburger on Fri May 23, 2008 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby erin-rae » Fri May 23, 2008 2:56 pm

Okay, I will admit to submitting this....

Adidas TKD Olympic Edition Shoe - Looks like the soles have a ringed groove and they are blue, but not sure how it relates to the clue...

Your orbit type ideas are better tho'...
I cant remember what the clue was even, apart from the tax link... must look it out.
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