by ChadH » Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:37 pm
I appreciate that SW are trying to protect the integrity of the pyramid by hiding the fact that the gold has gone, but to be honest, I no longer think that is necessary.
Puzz once told me that the reason that pyramid holders have pyramids is for the extra custom it would bring to their shop. He also told me that if people knew that the gold had gone, then nobody would go to the pyramid location.
Initially, he had a point. However, now that people realise just how damned hard the riddles are, most people are just waiting until a gold is claimed so that they can then get silver.
I think it would be beneficial to all (SW, pyramid holders, and adventurers) if exact numbers of gold and silver were published for each pyramid - and also to allow silver to be taken before a gold is claimed.
I'm still having a go at the riddles, but as soon as I am in the vicinity of a claimable silver coin, I will claim it - the nearest one to me (that I know of) is about 200 miles away, and I'm not travelling that far for silver. If, however, I was able to claim a silver at the London pyramid, I'd claim it tomorrow.
Puzz also mentioned a while back that he would consider releasing clues to pyramids at the cost of reducing the prize money involved - nothing has come of it yet though. I think a large chunk of people on this forum are more interested in getting a gold coin rather than the monetary prize, and since the password protection was never part of the original plan, I don't see why this can't be done - particularly if the pyramid has been unclaimed for many months.