Anyone here ? I just succed !

Clue help and progress on solving the Isis

Anyone here ? I just succed !

Postby Casial » Tue May 21, 2019 1:50 pm

Hi guys,

(please be kind with a little french guy who just unlock his first isis puzzle, and also, who need to remember his last english lesson...).

SO, i did it !! So happy, after 2 years :oops: . But, what's next step?

I have a many questions for you :

1 ) Is there still a Gatekeeper today (guardian of the 5% forum part, right ?) ?
2 ) I got a key in my isisball (lucky ?), with a number on it. I don't have clearly understand what's next. I read that the key open a pyramid, but where can i find the map ? (the option is locked in my personnal space on the website).

Sorry if there already is the answer somewhere. I have made my best to be understandable haha

Seen you soon.
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Re: Anyone here ? I just succed !

Postby ghxost » Tue May 21, 2019 6:04 pm

There is a place on the secure side of this same site (not here on the forum) to enter your key number (AFTER you register your puzzle, if you have not yet!) - there are places to register all 5 puzzles, that is the right place to be.

Once you reg your puzzle and key you'll see the pyramids and challenges

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Re: Anyone here ? I just succed !

Postby greenwolf86 » Wed May 22, 2019 4:38 am

Congrats on opening the puzzle, and welcome! Just send an open picture of it to the gatekeeper and we'll add you to the 5% club.

To register it, as ghxost said, go to to log in and add the code from the bottom of the puzzle. Then you can register the second code from inside the puzzle to unlock the pyramid map. The riddles on the pyramid map are pretty hard... Haven't solved any yet myself, but there are a few good examples on the forum of how other people solved them.

Great to have you on board!
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Re: Anyone here ? I just succed !

Postby Casial » Wed May 22, 2019 8:31 am

greenwolf86 wrote:To register it, as ghxost said, go to to log in and add the code from the bottom of the puzzle.

Thank for your answer Ghxost and Greenwolf86.

Sorry, i already did it on the site. i can see how to reset my isis, but the link "LOCATE A PYRAMID, SELECT A PYRAMID, COLLECT YOUR REWARD" where in grey and i can't click on it. Maybe i need to pay the memberships 25£ to acces of this part of the site ? don't know.

However, Thank both of you ! Really appreciate and i send my picture when i find who is the gatekeeper haha. :lol:

See you on the other side !
Isis 5%
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