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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:10 pm
by LouIsis
The egyptians built another one, auf urlaub :!:
Virtually, that is :(
And aparently without gold :?


PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:59 pm
by steve
And for the second time the riddle was first posted in English and soon afterwards it changed to German.
At least this time we are told that the password will be German.
In XXXIIX or IIXL or XXXVIII it does not specify the password language.

I am profoundly dyslexic, I use software of dictating most of my posts, and I also get the computer to verbally read out what I have written to make sure that it sounds the way I want it to.
Were I typed "XXXIIX or IIXL or XXXVIII" the computer read out the first two as they are written, letter for letter, but the last version "XXXVIII" the computer read out as "38". As for your question "XXXIX or IXL?” the computer favours "XXXIX"