I also followed the route of the artillery loop and looked at "Manharness", but really didn't think it was going to lead me to anything relevant.
Like many of you out there, we (myself and Smartybones ... the other half) tried several passwords along the way.
We were so convinced we had cracked the password this time, that we decided to go to the location as there were various combinations of spellings which would have taken what would have seemed like an eternity using the online checker.
Mr and Mrs Doc were very welcoming and excited for us because the letters in the password could have been a possibility.
I looked at other words for artillery round and came up with battery.
Battery park is in New York and it is home to the "Sphere". This is a sculpture which was damaged by the devastion of 9/11 as it stood between the twin towers. It was rescued although in quite poor state and temporarily housed in battery park. Looking further into "The Sphere" revealed that the original name for this was "Karyatide", which is a greek sculptured female figure serving as an architectural support. So I figured that was the "truth" relating to ladies.
But alas, like most of you, it was incorrect.
The ironic thing is, because Ade asked me to spell my password, I believed that maybe my word was close in spelling to the required word.
It is not too dissimilar!!!
It is well worth a visit to Bedale ... Angela has some beautiful items in her shop, and it makes a fabulous day out.
We were short on time when we visited, but are looking forward to returning, this time with the "Daughter", who already has a shopping list !!!
Many congratulations again to Hannah