Make sure you don't do what I did!!!
I screwed it up by doing the following:
-Logged into my main account
-Clicked the Add from another account link
-Realised I needed my Isis number, so logged into my second account in a new window
-Got the 2nd Isis number, and closed that window
-Went back to the 1st window and put the details in.
What actually happened is that my 1st window was now logged in with the credentials from the 2nd window. So, I added the second Isis to the second account (again).
Since the last step of the process is disabling the account, the account that the 2nd Isis was registered to has now been disabled. As a result, I can no longer access that 2nd Isis through the adventure pages. And I've also tried adding it as an unregistered Isis, but no joy
So the moral of this story is don't be logged in to more than one account particularly when transferring an Isis to another account.
And the moral of this story for SW is.. Please add some error checking to stop people transferring an Isis to the account that it is already on. It will just result in problems otherwise.
I've emailed SW and will let you know how I get on.
(Although you may have to wait a couple of weeks as I've vowed that my 1000th post will be to say I've got the Isis 2 )
EDIT All sorted very promptly thanks to Martin @ SW