cornettracing80 wrote:whats the percentage blue of these posts that are ligitamate versus people fishing for solutions?
It's a good point, and this is why I ask for a description of the inside. If the description isn't good enough then I'll ask exactly who they got it open in the first place. And if that's not well enough described then tough, they're on their own. I've had to tell just as many people that I think they're liars and just fishing for clues than I've actually ended up helping.
That said, being that SW has posted a link to an opening solution then should I really care that much??? Well actually yeh, because if they
are fishing for clues and they're too damned lazy to find the link on the SW page then why should I (or anyone else) give 1 to 1 giadance on opening their puzzle.
If it's a genuine "I reset my puzzle wrong and was too short sighted to take a picture of the inside first" then I'm usually happy to help though
Dunno, sounds fun though!