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Some Questions

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:48 am
by HowlingBananas
So I got my Isis puzzle for christmas and when i got it I was told to register it online. Once I did I then proceeded to trying to unlock it. [[deleted]] So i go on the website until i find out about the forums i then read about things that i didn't even know about. I then find out you are supposed to get clues once you register but i didn't get any.

Also, I have a few more questions

1.Do the wheels on the ISIS do anything? [[deleted]]

2. What are the unfinished codes on the bottom part of the box?

3. Where do i start on the box clues? I read that they are easy to understand but for a smart kid I'm pretty stupid, lol.

Thanks and please reply if you have anything that helps because honestly right now anything does help.

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:36 am
by evilkeen
Sorry, I have had to edit your post, as it gives rather too much away in the open forum. Once you have opened your Isis then you will be able to discuss it freely in the 5% club.

Once you register your Isis, you will indeed be able to find the clues from the website.

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:35 pm
by HowlingBananas
I had a feeling i may have gave too much away so its ok. Also, I registered my Isis but I don't have clues is there a certain area where I could find the clues because if there is could you tell me?

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:38 pm
by evilkeen
If you have registered your Isis, then as soon as you log on to the website you should see 5 panels, the Isis being the first (left-hand) one, and the first item in it is 'download booklet' - that's where the clues are.

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:35 am
by HowlingBananas
thanks i looked and decoded the clues.They are a bunch of help now i want to find the 11th clue then I'm off to the 5% club