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1 cm problem.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:24 pm
by Dekar
Alright, I've deciphered all the clues, and have been trying to open up my isis for about 3 days straight now. One thing has been bugging me, the, ahem, "two engraved spheres with 5 parallel lines through them," are not aligned. I am almost 100% sure that it came out of the box this way. I have tried to use rubber gloves to get it back in line, like most posts have said, but nothing; My hands are getting blistered trying. I saw a post that said they are aligned at the beginning, but I'm sure mine weren't. Does this mean I have to send it in for repair? As a side note, I'm pretty sure I haven't even gotten to clue 3. Also, it seems important to note that the top one (top being in the direction of the plunger) is to the right of the bottom one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: 1 cm problem.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:35 pm
by LouIsis
Hi Dekar, and welcome to this forum.

You already read a lot of (good) advice. rubber gloves, freezing it over night, that may be the best approaches in this case.

The top placenta (that is what we call the "engraved spheres with lines through them") being slightly to the right of the bottom placenta is a common way for the isis to get 'stuck'. Be assured it is not broken, but it is firmly stuck.
The move you want to make in this situation is to align the placentas again.
Your best chance is to try again after a night in the fridge (only the isis in the fridge 8) ) and/or using rubber washing up gloves.
Sorry for repeating what you already tried, but this is the way to go.
If it really does not work out, you could contact SonicWarp or find a fello Isis Adventurer in your area yo give it a try.

Good luck and have fun with your Isis.

Re: 1 cm problem.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:05 am
by Dekar
Hey, LouIsis, thank's for the advice!
I actually just got up to clue 8, and it's in the halfway stage, so now I'm wondering if it is possible to finish it, without having to worry about the placentas?

Re: 1 cm problem.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:22 am
by Dekar
Update: I finished it!
I didn't have to worry about those placentas at all!
That was amazing, thanks a lot!

Re: 1 cm problem.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:05 am
by evilkeen
Well done! Look forward to seeing you in the 5% club!