Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:51 am
Hi guys
This is my first post and I’m ashamed to say that I’ve opened my isis by luck!!! (although I must add I was certainly on the right track to opening it properly). Let me explain further. After getting my isis a week before Christmas I decyphered the 10 clues in a day or so with no problems and followed them to the best of my knowledge. After fiddling with it for 4 weeks and reading this forum I decided to give clue 11 a try (which I hadn’t felt I needed to) with the help of my wifes NEXT catalogue When I picked my isis up after that I found the lock mechanism had jammed in the right place so it just unscrewed as easy as pie. But having opened my isis VERY CAREFULLY as to not loose any bits, to my surprise, there was only the obvious 2 bearings but no third!!! If this element was never there in the first place then surely it would have been impossible for me to open it in the correct manner?
I guess what I’m trying to ask is :
1. I need it confirming I’ve opened it incorrectly.
2. Will this void the rest of my adventure if I havn’t opened it correctly?
3. Will I be entitled to a replacement isis because a crucial part was missing?
4. Can I join the 5% club?
5. What should I do next?
hope i havn't given to much away
Any feedback appreciated guys
This is my first post and I’m ashamed to say that I’ve opened my isis by luck!!! (although I must add I was certainly on the right track to opening it properly). Let me explain further. After getting my isis a week before Christmas I decyphered the 10 clues in a day or so with no problems and followed them to the best of my knowledge. After fiddling with it for 4 weeks and reading this forum I decided to give clue 11 a try (which I hadn’t felt I needed to) with the help of my wifes NEXT catalogue When I picked my isis up after that I found the lock mechanism had jammed in the right place so it just unscrewed as easy as pie. But having opened my isis VERY CAREFULLY as to not loose any bits, to my surprise, there was only the obvious 2 bearings but no third!!! If this element was never there in the first place then surely it would have been impossible for me to open it in the correct manner?
I guess what I’m trying to ask is :
1. I need it confirming I’ve opened it incorrectly.
2. Will this void the rest of my adventure if I havn’t opened it correctly?
3. Will I be entitled to a replacement isis because a crucial part was missing?
4. Can I join the 5% club?
5. What should I do next?
hope i havn't given to much away
Any feedback appreciated guys