just a few questions!!

Clue help and progress on solving the Isis

just a few questions!!

Postby krusty'n'nyk » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:24 pm

hi i have a few questions that have been running round in my head since we first got our isis, so if someone can give some answers i would be grateful, and hopefully none of them will be 'go back thru the clues'!!

1st once i start going thru the steps/clues is there a certain point at which if i stop it all goes back to square one. i.e. clues 1 2 3 then put it down then go back to it later etc?

2nd our isis went totally quiet before really doing anything, have got ball sounds back now but is that normal?

3rd er... ok i cant remember what other questions i had so that will do for now!!

oh and hello im nyk and other half is paul (krusty..as in simpsons clown not dirty!!)
Isis 5%
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:09 pm

ok err

Postby krusty'n'nyk » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:00 pm

i dont know how but other half has just opened the isis!!!!

i cant beleive it we have only had it for about a week!!!

he is now under strick instructions not to put it back together!!!

well chuffed obviously you can get thru some stages and put it down

so scrap the above questions!!!
Isis 5%
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:09 pm

Re: ok err

Postby Karen_G » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:36 pm

Congratulations for opening your ISIS :)

and great advice ... :)
krusty'n'nyk wrote:..he is now under strick instructions not to put it back together!!!

Don't forget to take a picture of your open ISIS, with your username written on a peice of paper. Then send it as an image tag to Anash27 :) He'll let you into the 5% club, which has great reset instructions :D

Enjoy the rest of your ISIS adventure :)

Opened: ISIS 1, ISIS 1A, Eagle ISIS, NK, NK Tut, Kuku
Key out: Ramisi5
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