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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:56 pm
by thelightjockey
Since there has been lots of people asking "how to I post a picture for entry to 5% club" here is a little guide.

1. take picture

2. transfer picture to your computer (Desktop/Laptop whatever)

"now the bit folks don't understand" -

3. find an imagehost service - some people use photobucket, others use imageshack... here's a fav. of mine - (note: you need to make a password first)
Open your chosen imagehost in a new browser window or tab. [if your confused at this point, go get the kids to help]

4. Locate and Upload your picture to the host and Copy (highlight and ctrl+c) the code between the <img> tags - for example - ""

5. Sitting on your 'clipboard' is the photo location
- - - -

6. Go to 'Private messages' in your 'User Control Panel', click on 'New PM', select 'Gatekeeper' from the groups at the top right, and 'Add'.

7. In the message window - click the button with Img this will paste the start of an image tag
Code: Select all
[img]  "location of picture" [/img]
between the tags you paste (ctrl+v) the Code from your image host.

8. Click the Preview button at the bottom of the message page and the page will refresh with a preview at the top.

9. Once you're happy with the message click Submit

Note: Your image must contain a legible copy of your user name on a slip of paper.

Gimme a few months and I might eventually join the 5% Club

edit: spelling mistake.. typical me.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:06 pm
by Happyhannah
Excellent tutorial!

Sticky? Otherwise it will get lost amongst all of the new posts...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:27 pm
by bluesign2k
Yup, I vote to make this a sticky too! :)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:18 pm
by Karen_G
Great idea :) I can't do sticky's though. I'll ask Ade if it's possible.

Karen :)