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5% Club

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:58 am
by filthy
I'm guessing it's so called as only 5% of people who bought an Isis are expected to open it. I get the feeling that a LOT more than 5% of Isis puzzlers have managed to open the sphere...

Mayne it should be called th 60% club now? :roll:

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:41 am
by Paulington
I don't think so..

I believe the actual figure (Isis puzzles solved out of all isis puzzles bought) is somewhere around 3%.

However, based on pure numbers on this forum, it should be around the 8.5 - 10% club. :wink:

Edit: Uh huh..

288 5% Club Members
3409 Registered

3409/100 = 34.09

288/34.09 = 8.448%

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:41 am
by Kisara
Paulington wrote:I don't think so..

I believe the actual figure (Isis puzzles solved out of all isis puzzles bought) is somewhere around 3%.

However, based on pure numbers on this forum, it should be around the 8.5 - 10% club. :wink:

Edit: Uh huh..

288 5% Club Members
3409 Registered

3409/100 = 34.09

288/34.09 = 8.448%

Paulington is right. Not to mention, that is only on this forum. Think of all the people who never register here and end up just giving up or passing it on to someone else. I'd say 5% is a good estimate.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:14 pm
by filthy
Perhaps SW would release official figures of sold/solved puzzles?

They're obviously going to be recorded somewhere, just whether they wish to release them to the public domain or not...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:22 pm
by LouIsis
Puzz released some figures today. Inside the 5% forum, so I doubt he wants them copied here.
It sure is less than 5% according to his figures (accessible to X% only): ... php?t=1650

Puzz, can you copy the figures here, would be a relief for the non-5% members to see that they are still the vast majority. (And would encurage them to hurry up knowing how many competitors are on the way...)