Hello everyone,
Very rarely do I see something in a store that I impulse buy. But the Isis was so interesting looking, and almost like a modern sculpture, that I was hooked right away.
I have translated all 10 clues, vague as they are. And have been trying to release the 3rd BB or move the halves apart, to no avail. Just a word of warning to others. Make sure you do not try the 11th clue on concrete. I did that and [EDIT: damaged the ISIS] As you might imagine, I was freaking out that I might have ruined my $200 purchase.
Somehow I just have a hard time believing that the 11th clue is really needed. I would think that on a $200 puzzle, that there would have been a more elegant way of doing it. Maybe one day if I solve it, I can ask around to see if there is. I am also getting the impression that the rings do not actually DO anything... althuogh I find that hard to believe as well. Why would you design a puzzle where the only movable parts on it have no effect on the outcome? Seems odd to me... just the impression I have gotten reading the forum so far...