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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:54 pm
by InuShonen
hi, have you solved the clues? I think you should look at the last clue for which direction to turn it?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:06 pm
by Nowicki222
Thanks guys ! I appreciate your help :D , and yes I did solve all the clues InuShonen. My concern now is the clue nuimber 9. Also clue number 6 is giving me a headache, because I never really got to that part with my plunger. I am not sure what to do about it, it couses a lot of confusion. Any tips, advice? :?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:35 pm
by Karen_G
Hi Nowicki222,

Try rereading the clues in order, they really will help you :)

Karen :)

Clues and info

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:42 am
by admin

please try and keep known mechanism info in the 5% club.

All inside info or help regarding the mechanism will be deleted if not kept inside 5% club.

Re: Clues and info

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:15 pm
by chamaile0n
admin wrote:Folks,

please try and keep known mechanism info in the 5% club.

All inside info or help regarding the mechanism will be deleted if not kept inside 5% club.

Hi Admin - I'm not in the 5% club...yet :D but am working to get there (hence my post in the clues/progress board). Any suggestions on how to verify progress from here if this isn't the right place to solicit advice?



Re: Clues and info

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:48 pm
by bluesign2k
chamaile0n wrote:
admin wrote:Folks,

please try and keep known mechanism info in the 5% club.

All inside info or help regarding the mechanism will be deleted if not kept inside 5% club.

Hi Admin - I'm not in the 5% club...yet :D but am working to get there (hence my post in the clues/progress board). Any suggestions on how to verify progress from here if this isn't the right place to solicit advice?



The more you play with your Isis the more you will learn about it... you will know when you have progressed :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:33 pm
by Nowicki222
Bluesign2K is my isis suppoesed to go to the 180 degrees stage, or no? :? Because you said that most of the new isis wont be able to go to 1 cm apart stage, 180 degrees stage also?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:05 pm
by InuShonen
all isis are able to get stuck at the 180 stage..

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:03 pm
by Nowicki222
damn no matter how much force i am using i cant get my placentas 180 degrees apart! My hands are killing me! Also I cant get to that damn plunger thing from clue 6! Cant get the stupid thing depress only slighlty! Any ideas? :? :cry:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:18 pm
by cslrobert
just read the clues over and over. Then read them again. If you need a bodybuilder to help opening the ISIS your doing something wrong.. I child could open it...

Some of it is just Luck...

Keep at it you'll get it.....

Placentas 1 cm apart! Not sure what to do next? Any advice?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:26 pm
by Nowicki222
Got to a new stage! The placentas are now 1 cm apart :D, It is possible to realign them, but when I did that it took me a while to get them back to 1 cm stage. Can you help me a little because I am afraid that I will screw something up again :D

Re: Clues and info

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:12 pm
by Karen_G
chamaile0n wrote: Any suggestions on how to verify progress from here if this isn't the right place to solicit advice?

Hi ChamaileOn,

Sorry, but you cannot verify your progress on this forum at all, it would give too much away to people who have not managed to get as far as you have. If the solution was posted here, it would defeat the purpose of the ISIS adventure and there would be no point having a 5% club.

Besides, you'll feel a greater sense of achievement if you open it on your own :)

Once you have opened your ISIS, you can register for the 5% club. You can talk freely about the ISIS within the 5% thread :D


Re: Clues and info

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:28 am
by chamaile0n
Karen_G wrote:
chamaile0n wrote: Any suggestions on how to verify progress from here if this isn't the right place to solicit advice?

Hi ChamaileOn,

Sorry, but you cannot verify your progress on this forum at all, it would give too much away to people who have not managed to get as far as you have. If the solution was posted here, it would defeat the purpose of the ISIS adventure and there would be no point having a 5% club.

Besides, you'll feel a greater sense of achievement if you open it on your own :)

Once you have opened your ISIS, you can register for the 5% club. You can talk freely about the ISIS within the 5% thread :D


Hi Karen...thanks for that... i guess my question is - why have a Clues and Progress forum if we can't discuss clues or compare our progress with our predecessors? Everyone's saying the same thing - "read the clues, you'll get there!" We don't need a forum for that, all we need is a webpage that says "READ THE CLUES, YOU'LL GET THERE" :roll:

Maybe I'm sounding a bit frustrated, but the apparent point of a forum (especially on something like this) is not to give away the solution, but ensure those few (and not everyone can throw $200 on this puzzle) that are working on it have ideas outside of the ill-assembled clues. While the creator may be on this board (if so, please accept this constructive criticism with the best of intentions) there could have been a lot more thought put into this set of clues, or made them harder so the clues could MEAN more.

I'll end my rant here, but the censorship on here seems a little overboard - you want people to buy an expensive product, not talk about it (even in a forum sponsored by the creators), and maintain a level of excitement, recommend it, and pursue it? lol


Re: Clues and info

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:42 am
by bluesign2k
Firstly, in my opinion, it's entierly irrelevant how much the puzzle costs.

Secondly, if the board allowed questions such as "what do I do next?" to be answered, then the forum would just become a glorified instruction book on how to open it...then it wouldn't be a puzzle would it, it'd be a damn expensive ornament that you could dismantle every once in a while!?

Also, I disagree that more thought could have been put into the clues.... what more do you want them to say?
If the clues meant more (and by this I guess you mean give more detailed instruction), then again, it'd surely be an instruction book?
The fun of the adventure for me was opening the Isis, and in my opinion I think the Isis should be made harder to open, not the clues made harder to decypher :wink:

Lastly, if it was made such that it was easy (or easier) to solve then there wouldn't a 5% club, it'd be a 95% club :roll: ...and there'd probably be less prizes too, or just of lesser value.


In all honesty I think if you looked around the forum you would find more than enough info to have you Isis open pretty quickly... the search is up there^^^ :P


PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:11 am
by Karen_G

The Clues and Progress section does provide help if you look deep enough, the 11th clue was released here for example. And you can state your progress in a manner that doesn't give anything away, such as "The placenta's are now 180 degrees apart :)" But saying anymore, like how you got to the 180 degree stage, would allow other people to get there easily. And like Chirs said, it wouldn't be a puzzle if everyone could open it.

The clues provided really do tell you how to open the ISIS, once you have opened it, you'll understand that :) Everyone in the 5% club started in the same position as you are now, and I'm sure most of us struggled too. I did for sure! :lol: But persevere and you'll get there :) Also follow the standard phrase " read the clues, you'll get there!" :)

I can understand your frustration, but it is advertised as possibly the hardest puzzle in the world, with only 5% of people predicted to open it. So you shouldn't expect to get in it so quickly :)

Best wishes,
Karen :)