Ellusive 11th clue

Clue help and progress on solving the Isis

Postby haggis » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:00 pm

[quote="LouIsis"]The jelly mould has vanished![/quote]

Shame, that was a lovely location.

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Postby steve » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:03 pm

When I was there they were just shutting up shop for the night, but I might go back to check out the butterfly house, it sounds amazing.
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Postby redfrank1879 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:14 pm

does the 11th clue help drop the third bb or does it do something else?
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Postby Karen_G » Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:50 pm

redfrank1879 wrote:does the 11th clue help drop the third bb or does it do something else?

Sorry, but we can't answer that question. All you need to open the ISIS is in the 11 clues, keep trying and I'm sure you'll get there :)

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Re: The Eleventh Commandment.

Postby smartybones » Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:18 am

smartybones wrote:
ChadH wrote:
Dr Iguana wrote:It certainly pays to follow that eleventh clue; it was the obeying of it with faith and hope that succeeded in the opening of my Isis.

I translated the Ten Commandments from the original runes and I obeyed them diligently. As it was with the pyramids of the Ancients I aligned my Isis with the girdle of the hunter. I faithfully turned the wheels of my Isis and a prayer issued with each turn of the wheels. But my Isis remained steadfastly one with no portent of becoming twain although the magic beads did speak both loud and soft. So I went about the public forum searching for a sign and verily an omen did appear to me. The scrolls spake of an eleventh commandment and it was ordained that I should bring to bear the foremost thought on the beginning of all things.

But what was this prime thought? I had always believed that the firmament had been sedate, tasty, for all eternity but surely this could not dispose the opening of my Isis. So I did seek the wisdom of the augurs, oracles, sibyls, and geomancers, and did find that whilst some rumours of great thunder now disturb the minds of those of little faith, the foremost thought on the onset of everything was that He put put forth his hand and the firmament was created. He, whom some call Jehovah and some call Zeus and some call Jupiter and some call Beckham and some call Puzz did command it so it came to be. So I did seek his aid in the opening of mine Isis.

I went forth from my house and I did lift up mine Isis to the hills from whence my help would come, and did pray for his will. And verily, as I raised mine Isis high He did cause mine hand to tremble and mine Isis was dashed from mine hand and did fall full cubits four and fell upon stony ground. And Lo and Behold! Mine Isis did fall in twain; the shards did no longer cleave together and did lie upon the earth, the one akin to the the other, alike to two young roes that are twins.

So verily I say unto thee my Brothers and my Sisters, have faith in the creation and in the eleven commandments of the mighty Puzz and thine Isis will surely lie open before thee.

I bet you fifty quid this guy solves a pyramid in the next week :lol: :lol:

Hmmm, i'll take you up on that..... sounds like good odds to me.. :wink:

lol, i just remembered, you owe me 50 quid chadH.... i took you up on your bet... doc didn't open a pyramid withing a month !!!
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Postby ChadH » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:10 pm

No worries, I'll meet you at Doc's place to give it to you - just let me know the address :lol: :lol:
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Postby smartybones » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:08 pm

no problem, i'll tell you the address if you tell me the password !!!
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Postby steve » Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:25 pm

Wait a minute, if one has the address and one the password, who is going to open the pyramid? Then who gets the gold coin? Or does the doc have to cut it in half?

These pyramid riddles are supposed to lead to one answer; instead I find them leading to more questions.
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Postby Driver » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:58 am

Won't really matter much, Doc is running a butcher bike roadshow with the pyramid connected to an automated password checker in the basket.
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Postby Dr Iguana » Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:48 pm

I've got the sign painted on the bike-board. STOP ME AND TRY ONE.
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