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Clue help and progress on solving the Isis

A new adventurer joins you...

Postby armor99 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:59 am

Hello everyone,
Very rarely do I see something in a store that I impulse buy. But the Isis was so interesting looking, and almost like a modern sculpture, that I was hooked right away.
I have translated all 10 clues, vague as they are. And have been trying to release the 3rd BB or move the halves apart, to no avail. Just a word of warning to others. Make sure you do not try the 11th clue on concrete. I did that and [EDIT: damaged the ISIS] As you might imagine, I was freaking out that I might have ruined my $200 purchase.
Somehow I just have a hard time believing that the 11th clue is really needed. I would think that on a $200 puzzle, that there would have been a more elegant way of doing it. Maybe one day if I solve it, I can ask around to see if there is. I am also getting the impression that the rings do not actually DO anything... althuogh I find that hard to believe as well. Why would you design a puzzle where the only movable parts on it have no effect on the outcome? Seems odd to me... just the impression I have gotten reading the forum so far...
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The Isis and concrete

Postby PUZZ » Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:32 am

although the isis is very well built, it is still made from high grade aluminimum and will get damaged if dropped onto very unforgiving objects like concrete.
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Postby Driver » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:08 pm

Firstly, welcome to your Isis Adventure.

Secondly, I can't believe you introduced your $200 puzzle to a slab of concrete(aarrgh), though I suppose the least said about that the better.

Thirdly, the Isis is a puzzle, it may open the door to other things once it is solved but its still a puzzle. It has been carefully designed to seriously challenge the people who take it on. You will read on this forum of people who have opened their Isis in very little time, those who manage this really are the exeption to the rule (probably 5% of the 5% who open it). The longer it takes you to open your Isis the greater the feeling of exuberance you will feel when you do. They say the Isis Adventure takes you places you never thought of going, some of those places are in your head. Ok your frustration level may peak along with the soreness of your fingers and thumbs but its your Isis Adventure, may it last as long as possible.
Patience is a virtue seldom found in man....
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Postby Shiny » Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:20 am

I too cannot believe you introduced your ISIS to concrete :roll:

As for the rings (like the rest of the puzzle) read and understand the clues :wink:

Everything you need to know is right there in front of you :)
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