Say huh?

Clue help and progress on solving the Isis

Say huh?

Postby chamaile0n » Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:11 pm

Ok, so maybe it's me... but something inside tells me it's not...

I got my grubby little paws on an Isis Friday night, but didn't get a chance to actually look into it (you know how it goes when you have a family:) till Saturday night. I cracked all 10 codes in ~2 hours - easy play. After actually reading them at 2:30am I realize that the "clues" are BS!

They say nothing of the heiroglyphics on the ball, and while I've found websites which explain them, the boards (here and elsewhere) seem to elude to the fact that the type/arrangement of glyph's are different on each ball (so as to prevent a single solution being shared - which is great!). But there's no eluding to their madness!

Since I don't know how to do the spoiler thing yet, I won't blurt out any of the less-than-helpful clues, but gimme a break! I expected the clues to be easy but at least helpful! These tell nothing of how to decipher the glyphs, what is my goal (outside of the things i'm supposed to hear), so of the 16k+ possible combinations, what in the name of sweet baby Buddha am I supposed to do from here?

Frustratedy yours...

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Postby Nowicki222 » Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:16 pm

Clue number 3! This is what you need to focus on! Also reffer to clue number 4 it explains the ring and glyph thing. :D

Good Luck! 8)
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Postby chamaile0n » Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:04 pm

Nowicki222 wrote:Clue number 3! This is what you need to focus on! Also reffer to clue number 4 it explains the ring and glyph thing. :D

Good Luck! 8)

Ok, that was another question - is everyone's clues the same? I've read some posts that say folks in the UK get different clues (esp clue 1 and 4) than us yanks - ie pointing north rather than upwards.

Can someone send me a PM with how to do the spoiler tags so I can share some stuff on here?
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Postby bluesign2k » Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:41 pm

chamaile0n wrote:
Nowicki222 wrote:Clue number 3! This is what you need to focus on! Also reffer to clue number 4 it explains the ring and glyph thing. :D

Good Luck! 8)

Ok, that was another question - is everyone's clues the same? I've read some posts that say folks in the UK get different clues (esp clue 1 and 4) than us yanks - ie pointing north rather than upwards.

Can someone send me a PM with how to do the spoiler tags so I can share some stuff on here?

Spoiler tags are not available on this forum :roll:
No other information is needed other than the clues in the booklet :)
Once you actually figure out what they're telling you, rather than what they actually say then you'll see this :wink:
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Postby chamaile0n » Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:46 pm

bluesign2k wrote:
chamaile0n wrote:
Nowicki222 wrote:Clue number 3! This is what you need to focus on! Also reffer to clue number 4 it explains the ring and glyph thing. :D

Good Luck! 8)

Ok, that was another question - is everyone's clues the same? I've read some posts that say folks in the UK get different clues (esp clue 1 and 4) than us yanks - ie pointing north rather than upwards.

Can someone send me a PM with how to do the spoiler tags so I can share some stuff on here?

Spoiler tags are not available on this forum :roll:
No other information is needed other than the clues in the booklet :)
Once you actually figure out what they're telling you, rather than what they actually say then you'll see this :wink:

While I'd love to say that clarified things, I think I'm still sitting at square 1. I've cross ref'd the symbols with constellations, and anything else nav-oriented, but am finding squat that's useful. Guess it's back to the drawing board.

yay! :roll:
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Postby bluesign2k » Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:56 pm

chamaile0n wrote:While I'd love to say that clarified things, I think I'm still sitting at square 1. I've cross ref'd the symbols with constellations, and anything else nav-oriented, but am finding squat that's useful. Guess it's back to the drawing board.

yay! :roll:

As has been said many times before, it is a puzzle, and there is a reason why the 5% club is named as such :wink:
Not that I'm saying you'll never solve it... just that you might not do it in a day (or a month for that matter :? )
Keep at it, it's a good feeling when you finally get there :wink:

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Postby InuShonen » Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:45 pm

you have to be able to read egyptian hyroglyphs to open it. thats why im in the 5% club
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Postby cslrobert » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:08 pm


I thought your co-worker read egyptian hyroglphs not you. Does that mean your in the 2.5% club. :lol: :lol:

Just playing with you... I'm still trying to crack the riddle... my hats off to you for cracking yours.
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Postby cslrobert » Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:49 pm

Sorry that would be the 7.5% club to make any sense. I'll be heading back to the 95% section now. (que long walk down dark hall mumbling: I'm an idiot) :) :)
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