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Ramisis Layers "tightening"

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:31 am
by GraeSkye
hey guys and gals,

Had my Ramsis little over a week now and had some fun decoding the cypher as well as giving it a shot to physically shove it.
One issue has occurred in the form of the layers becoming a little hard to rotate as well as the "cap stone" locking at times.
Is this a common feature with the puzzle and is there an easy way to solve this issue?

Other than that, all is well (I hope!) :D

Grae x

Re: Ramisis Layers "tightening"

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 2:04 am
by droogie
You know, I had the same issue with mine (marbles version)... eventually the key chamber popped out but only like halfway and was stuck. I pulled on it and it was not moving, then after rotating the base and pulling on the chamber it came out fine... I had to go on a business trip so I don't have it with me but I was almost concerned that it was broken, I could no longer hear the ball moving around and when I tried to lock it again following the solution instructions it was just difficult to rotate and then it was open again...

will play with it more once I get back home, maybe i'll look into sending it in for a potential repair or something if it is broken (i hope it's not)

Re: Ramisis Layers "tightening"

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:27 am
by Orko
That could be really a problem i will send you a message Grea

Re: Ramisis Layers "tightening"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:18 am
by Scarab
Is this a common problem. Based on the clues I should be done but it is difficult to turn. The key chamber isn't popping out.