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Solved Ramisis Clues, but..............

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:28 pm
by Zerahemnah Dhall
I have a few days ago finally cracked the Ramisis Number clues and did it in English...
Then I started to solving/solved the Dutch Ramisis number clues, but.......

I found a translation error in the Dutch numbers-letters and I am wondering where I can/have to report them/it ???!? so it can be adjust/fixed/corrected/ that all numbers en letters are correctly translated without errors!
I have look and overlooked it many times and the result is everytime the same...the translation/decypher code!

Or is the error already commun knowledge in the holy-where-I-guess-all-the-fun-is Ramisis 5% club? :twisted:

I hope if someone can help me and checked it and double check to see if im not mistake....


Re: Solved Ramisis Clues, but..............

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:09 pm
by Pyromancer
I'd suggest contacting the Isis Series Inventor - PUZZ himself.

You can e-mail him direct on

Hope this helps.

Re: Solved Ramisis Clues, but..............

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:32 am
by Zerahemnah Dhall
Ah, thank you for the reply :}

I think it is only for the best that all errors and so are reduced to 0 the number, not the letter, hehe
