Can't solve the Ramisis

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

Can't solve the Ramisis

Postby getsis » Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:33 pm

Ok I have been trying to solve this puzzle since it's launch, I'm usually very good and patient with these things but after over a year trying I still can't get it to open. The BB is stuck in the same location as when I first got it no mater what I do it just sits there. Please don't post "keep trying it will open" So what now, I can't continue with the Isis adventure because I need the key??
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Re: Can't solve the Ramisis

Postby Karen_G » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:34 pm

Hi Getsis :)

Great to see you on the forum again.
Sorry to hear about your Ramisis, why don't you try emailing Puzz about it, he may be able to help you sort it or find out if you have a faulty one.

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Re: Can't solve the Ramisis

Postby MADMAN69UK » Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:06 am

I managed to somehow fluke my keychamber open relatively early on, but since then I'm no where nearer the "Extra Challenge" of opening up the whole thing :(

I know that whatever batteries that were in there when it first shipped have long since died a death.

I just use the Ramisis as a paperweight these days.

From what I gather, even when you do know how it all works it's still not very easy to open.

I liked the Isis opening method as it was tricky but quick if you knew what you were doing :)
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Re: Can't solve the Ramisis

Postby Toxophilite » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:20 pm

I had exactly the same experience as MADMAN69UK. Key chamber released after a couple of days and it wont go back in because that bar that Andrew flicks into place with a screwwdriver in the video has moved into the key chamber and it won't budge with a screwdriver. I have since managed to get to the correct key chamber release position but like you have never managed to get to the other extreme. I assumed that getting to this other position might enable me to correct the problem, or maybe its just jammed. As for for flashing lights - never seen any. Didn't cost me anything as it was from a free search, I wouldn't have been impressed if I had paid over £100 for it. I occasionally try to progress with it but the incentive just isn't there.
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