Squeeze the layers?

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

Squeeze the layers?

Postby AlistairN » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:48 am

Ive read the various forums and people have mentioned about squeezing the layers together. There is no squeeze at all between my layers. I don't want to be someone who cries that their puzzle is "broken" as having solved most others, they are quite simple mechanisms. The only magic is up the sleeve.

However, with the layer being quite stiff, in fact I am starting to see scratches around the locus of movement. Makes slight grinding noises while turning them now??? Most saying the placenta locks at the rear facing away from the key chamber. Few saying theirs was NOT facing away when it locked. Is mine the only one that gets jammed at 45degrees?

Disappointed with this puzzle as I don't believe they should be painful to manipulate. It's not as if they are ancient Chinese finger traps (even if it feels the same)!

Unless I make some headway soon, I may have to give in and use an X-ray to get an internal image :(
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Re: Squeeze the layers?

Postby raxable » Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:36 pm

You shouldn't be able to squeeze the layers together, but then again they shouldn't be grinding or locking either.
Well that is until its solved and the chamber opens up.

Some people say do and some say dont, personally i sprayed some WD40 oil inbetween the layers to ensure they span freely,
mind you DONT use too much if you do this as too much oil can stop things moving *wink wink* (do this at your own risk!)
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Re: Squeeze the layers?

Postby LouIsis » Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:56 am

Locking at 45 degrees is not a good thing. You may want to contact SW and describe your situation, they seem to be more responsive these days than some time ago. Ask for "gold level support"!

X-rays have been done and provide NO help in solving the Ramisis. Even a picture of all disassembled ramisis parts cannot provide enough information on how to solve it.

I do not believe squeezing the layers helps opening a Ramisis.
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