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Airport Security

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:54 pm
by bit1313
So I have a four hour flight to Denver on Sunday.
Thinking of taking my Ramisis with me.
If I put it in my carry on... do you think airport security will stop me?
Would they even allow it to pass?

I've heard of people getting stopped with their ISIS... but with Rammie... He's kinda hard AND pointy. Nice weapon.

Whatcha think?

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:06 pm
by Z3r0San1ty
I think its gonna be considered a weapon and put in the underside of the plane *shrugz* who knows heh.

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:26 pm
by Jeremy
In december i flew from Brussels to Munich. A one hour flight.
Didn't think of anything and took it with me.In my handluggage.
In customs section of Brussels i threw it in the basket along with cellphone and keys,etc.
They screened it for as long as all the other stuff from other travellers.No problemo.
But on my way back,in Munich they must have looked at it for about a half hour, then ordering me to open it,wich i obvously could not. They then stated that it was not allowed to go on the plane, luckily it could give it along with somebody from the company that was gonna come back by car,who then returned it to me a couple of days later.
So i did not get the ramisis open, almost got strip-searched or incarcerated,missed the flight and got a couple of weird looks from my collegues and bystanders.
Afterwards its a story to tell but at the time i didnt feel to comfortable.
If you're lucky you wont have any problems,but i think it'll be same as with me.
Good luck.
Oh and ps. When you come to the safety control maybe a good opening line is Allah ackbar.
Then you get a free trip to Guantanamo :lol:

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:30 pm
by jazz
We went to Morrocco and on the way back they wanted to look in the hand luggage, so I put my bag down with a smile on my face, the guard looked up with a big smile on his face and said "What's this?" he pulled out a bag of white powder. I went pale and lost a stone within a second. Pictured the film Midnight Express and wanted my mum :shock: Unknown to me my wife had thought she would take the Coffee Whitenerr home and to make more room she put it in a plastic bag. Never let the wife pack your bag I still get nightmares now and she just laughs :D

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:51 pm
I am not sure what I would worry about most.
Security is a known risk.
Imagine what your fellow passengers might think if you are twisting and listening to a solid metal device with a straw sticking out of one end!
Allah Akbar indeed...

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:22 pm
by LouIsis
The Isis was no problem for security in my case.
After reading the above I am going to put the Ramisis in my check-in baggage!

Wouldn't it be great fun to fly with ONLY an open-shut-case as handbaggage?

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:03 am
by bit1313
LouIsis wrote:
Wouldn't it be great fun to fly with ONLY an open-shut-case as handbaggage?

That would be CLASSIC!

"Sir, are you checking a bad today?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Please place it on the scale"
{pulls the open and shut case out of his pocket}
Here ya go.


So... I figured I would not take Rammie on the plane... but wondered what kind of stories I would get. Love the Jeremy story... I could see that happening to me. :oops:

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:51 am
by Huszar
i have flown on over half a dozen flights here on the west coast of the US. got asked once. i opened the box and said, this is the hardest puzzle in the world. I work on solving it whenever i can." if you are flying in the US you should be fine. besides, we american are dumb and gulible.

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:39 am
by cornettracing80
they would not let a "alice in wonderland" snow globe through airport security on the way home from was unopened,sealed took my daughter to the disney store in the terminal and they shipped it to us for 10 dollars....i cant believe they still allow laptops :roll:

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:50 am
by Huszar
maybe thats because laptops dont contain more than 3 ounces of liquid. in case you didnt realize it when you bought it, but snow globes are filled with liquid and airports dont let you have fluids. Tah dah! oh maybe you didnt see the signs next to the snowglobes at disney that say that they are not allowed on planes.

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:40 am
by cornettracing80
(edited by poster)
your not worth it

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:33 pm
by bit1313
Huszar - we are trying to play nice with CR80 now.

We pumped him full of meds and we think he is almost ready to go out in public again. We're going to start at the McDonald's and if he can behave and apologize to the cashier we might take him back to the mall (if he can stop standing outside the TSI empty stores and yelling at them "You ruined the adventure!")

(funny story about McDonalds and CR80 really. You see the cashier said something to CR80 and he jumped across the counter and started attacking her screaming "Don't give away the secrets! Don't tell anyone!". You see she asked "do you want fries with that" and he thought she said something about "ramisis facts". Really just a big misunderstanding. She's doing better now and should get the feeling in her left side back in a couple of weeks, although her right eye might always turn up and look hazy)

We took him to a hypno-therapist and they have embedded a secret word into his mind. When he starts foaming at the mouth and rambling on about riddles and adventure, we just say 'PEACHES' and he is as docile as a kitty cat. Just curls up on your lap and takes a nap (which is kind of weird and people stare, but the lessor of two evils really).

So anyway... where was I going with this...
Oh yeah.

As I say to my kids "Please use nice words" (oh... and don't feed the animals. It turns them wild again)

Thank you for your support and consideration. :mrgreen:

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:52 pm
by jazz
Damm knew something was wrong when I kept saying "beaches, beaches" doc says I will be fine when they get the Ramisis out of my B** :shock: :D :D
Don't forget we made him an hounoary Britt as well. :shock: He's not got the hang of Jellied Eels yet, or writing the date the correct way round :D :D :D

Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:19 pm
by cornettracing80
you guys kill me :D
i had to show that to the wife bit1313 :lol: :lol: :lol:

and that lady from McDonalds agreed not to sue if i help her with her isis :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Airport Security

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:56 pm
by theherowithathousandfaces
I brought mine on a flight, and security had no problem.