My Ramisis doesn't work mechanically correctly...for real

The area for discussion about the Ramisis, the 2nd puzzle in the Isis series.

My Ramisis doesn't work mechanically correctly...for real

Postby themagicdude » Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:39 am

My ramisis was screwed from the start. I got all the way to the key chamber stage and was locking at 180 degrees. Nothing happened. I didn't know what was happening, but I had heard that my key chamber should have released by this point. It was mentioned by someone that the next step would be to go back to the start point. I did this after several weeks of work, but still nothing happened. I kept going back and forth, start to finish, but it didn't work. I finally figured out one night that my chamber only popped when the layers were compressed. (This shouldn't be a spoiler, as I don't think it's an intended step in the puzzle.) After seeing the inside of the key chamber, I can understand why it didn't work correctly, but now I have a bigger question. Why, after navigating back and forth through the maze so many times, haven't I been able to complete the final steps? The light is now shot, so I don't know when to do them, but I can pop the key chamber at both sides of the maze, so I know that I know the whole thing. The final instructions make dismantling sound like a simple process once the maze is discovered, so can anyone tell me (in a pm if need be) if I'm doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the same cause as my problems with the key chamber? I would really appreciate any help.

-Dingo (Dillan)
Isis Ramisis 5%
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Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:44 am
Location: Lindfield/Sydney, NSW, Australia

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