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A new month a new idea...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:03 pm
by Monkey_Stainz
A'vast ye land lubbers!! (thought this needed a random welcome) anyway.... i think its time we pulled some thumbs out and got this "adventure" ship shape!!
im aware this forum, in fact any forum is open to views of all individuals from all directions. but as a wise man (a very drunk friend) once told me,
"its not what you say, its how you say it!" so thinking along those lines we need a positive suggestion area to move this adventure back to happy seas :)
i would like to start with a few ideas rolling around in my head. update the website! let adventures know what free searches are "found" or still up for grabs!
information, give us some! im aware there is a monthly update via the forum, what about some kind of e-mail?

i know they are not the best ideas out there but like it says "Your Adventure, Your Forum." lets make a change and a good one at that!!

Re: A new month a new idea...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:56 pm
by Karen_G
Great idea for a topic :D

Monkey_Stainz wrote:information, give us some! im aware there is a monthly update via the forum, what about some kind of e-mail?

SW used to release a newsletter that was emailed to every member who opted for it. It would be great if SW could bring that back.


Re: A new month a new idea...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:56 pm
by Z3r0San1ty
Karen_G wrote:Great idea for a topic :D

Monkey_Stainz wrote:information, give us some! im aware there is a monthly update via the forum, what about some kind of e-mail?

SW used to release a newsletter that was emailed to every member who opted for it. It would be great if SW could bring that back.


I'd say the "Monthly updates" Puzz has been trying to put out on the main section of the forum is our newletter in a sense.

Re: A new month a new idea...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:10 pm
by Karen_G
Z3r0San1ty wrote:I'd say the "Monthly updates" Puzz has been trying to put out on the main section of the forum is our newletter in a sense.

True :) but an emailed newsletter would potentially reach ISIS adventurers who have not joined the forum, or those who don't visit the forum on a regular basis.


Re: A new month a new idea...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:54 pm
by bluesign2k
Karen_G wrote:
Z3r0San1ty wrote:I'd say the "Monthly updates" Puzz has been trying to put out on the main section of the forum is our newletter in a sense.

True :) but an emailed newsletter would potentially reach ISIS adventurers who have not joined the forum, or those who don't visit the forum on a regular basis.


Yeh, the newsletters (all two of them) were pretty good, it's a shame they seemed to have died out. I guess a lack of news meant the newsletter had no use :? There appears to be more input from SW around here lately so perhaps now is a good time for another newsletter :)