Seaham Harbour to be precise. The NE accent does have subtle changes in the area. It is at it's hardest in North Shields (which is the one I have attempted to reproduce) but the Durham Coast accent is quite hard too. It stays that way down the coast before the quite sharp boundary change to the Tees-side accent just north of Hartlepool.
I have put in quite alot of dialect there too. I have always regarded accent as being merely a change in the timbre of the words whereas dialect involves word substitution and changes in syntax. The Tyne/Wear voice is easy to reproduce on paper, I could not reproduce the Tees-side voice as it is almost entirely accent.
(This post starts in such an odd way because it was moved at this point from another section of the forum. Should anyone be even remotely interested you can find the earlier parts of the thread under Pyramids and Gold Coins/The Yorkshire Pyramid/ Fri 28th March.)