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Is my Isis unique?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:34 pm
by LouIsis
I did not believe my eyes!
After buying my Isis in London this weekend, I fumbled around with it for about two minutes and then the most difficult puzzle in the world opened in my own hands!
I wrote down the number inside, closed the Isis in order to try and repeat what I did before and guess what... no luck, it got stuck.

After blaming myself for not making a picture of the open Isis (i.e. no 5% forum access, but at least I would receive the key) , I played for another hour later that day, and luckily I was able to opened it again. Of course I immediately took the picture this time.

After a quick study of the open Isis I concluded that I did not open it in the 'intended' way. After a closer study I doubt if my Isis can be opened in the 'intended' way. I can't wait to go to the 5% forum and compare my opening method with others. I don't dare describing more detail right here.

Did anyone else have a similar experience?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:51 pm
by cslrobert
See you in the club --Then we will talk about it :wink:

Congrats on opening it