cornettracing80 wrote:wow zero...i want to help with... (all the meaty part removed for space)..just being here is enough for me
Deep breath, Steve. Deep breath.
Does everyone want a better adventure for the masses? Yes.
Does everyone want great puzzles on the first go? For Sure!
Is the 500 Club a unique way to help out with this? Absolutely!
If I am the first person to figure out the ISIS V (HA!) and find the reward (DOUBLE HA HA!), do you think I'm gonna claim it? You bet your sweet @$$!
Is that going to happen? No. Never. Nada. Zilch chance-o-rooney.
Do I see 500 Club as being a way to invest in SW and the adventure... Yes sir, Yes sir I do.
I don't think anyone is looking for an edge.. or thinking 500 Club is going to push them closer to the rewards.
It's for puzzle lovers and frankly, I'm interested in what goes on behind the scene. Any glimpse...
If Puzz said, "sign here stating you will never win a prize", I'd sign right now... as I have no aspirations to win. It's all fun. Winning is an unexpected side effect of the game (I reference Andy Darley as an example). I do however hold z3r0san1ty as being the luckiest SOB I have ever known. Win once, good for you, win twice.. wow... and anything beyond that... you are just friggin amazing.
I think the fact that ISIS took me months to open (and even then on a technicality that might not have been there if getsis had been in the 500 Club back then) and my Ramisis is still laughing at me. Taunting me. Rolling it's beady little placenta at me. (STOP IT! STOP JUDGING ME YOU DIRTY FILTHY HUNK OF METAL! YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME! I WILL BEAT YOU! I'LL HAVE YOUR LITTLE BALLS IN A VISE BY THE TIME I'M DONE WITH YOU!)... Wow... okay... I blacked out for a minute there. I'm back.
Anyway... everyone is here for their reason... but I doubt that anyone is rubbing their hands together like an evil scientist thinking they will be first to the finish line; 500 Club or not. So hurry up, cash in your IRA and get your butt over here to start testing puzzles!
(and if you're good, we might just put two bullets your in your shirt pocket for ya!)
(in case anyone doesn't get all that shirt, bullet, nip it reference stuff... It's Andy Griffith... great old American TV show... look it up)