Hi All,
I've spoken to Ade, Bingabonga and Evilkeen and we've come up with a plan
How about we leave the forum as it is, except that when a topic becomes off-topic, the mods split the posts? This will leave the original reason for the post clean, it will allow people to post what they want without worrying about going off-topic, and once split it will allow the off-topic posts and also the original on-topic posts to continue.
We'll try to be consistent in labelling the topic heading for the new off-topic thread, maybe "Off-Topic+(title of original thread)" and we'll include a link to the off-topic thread within the original on-topic discussion so that people following the off-topic posts can find them easily. Therefore threads stay focused, people still following the off-topic thread will know where it's moved to, and those that don't like the off-topic threads can ignore all posts starting with "Off-topic".
We won't be able to go through the entire forum, but if you know of an old topic that you would like spliting, please let us know. We'll keep an eye on new posts and we'll split any that change topic considerably, please contact us if you think we have missed a topic. We're not going to split individual posts, this only applies to threads where the discussion topic has changed considerably over a number of posts.
We hope that helps the issue. Please let us know if you don't like the idea or have any other suggestions,
Thank you
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