alternate income Idea

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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby Gary's Mum » Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:33 pm

The open forum should be free. We all support SW by buying their products.

The 500 club are supporting SW
Paying in advance for Ramasis was supporting SW
£5 on the password checker is supporting SW
£1 for a clue on mystery picture is supporting SW
£100 per go in the treasure chest is supporting SW

There are not that many who post on this site to pay £2 per month so how desperate are SW.
Do we really need a lot more pyramids, Not many get solved anymore and that will also apply to the £5000 prize. 1 free search per month would be enough

There I've just saved SW more than £20

If we are required to invest in a company we should be official share holders not idiots

Sorry I have been away for some time because of previous events so I suppose I should not really comment, but really the open forum should be free, they are clutching at straws.

Perhaps anyone wanting to take part in free searches should pay £2 per month, trouble is it would have to have it's name changed

Sorry Avril :cry:
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby Dooners » Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:28 pm

many good folks here in the past have expressed an interest in wanting to visit the production line - perhaps SW can organise tours for a charge (gotta love that smell of enginnering oil.....)

Steve, you picked my comment up that I wouldn't hide a coin for £50. Thanks for your assumptions on mine (and others) financial status, I can afford it thank you, and as much as I love the adventure and SW, I still wouldn't pay £50. :|

To say that if people cannot or will not pay, then they should get out is a short sighted approach. To keep adding costs to an already expensive puzzle (I know it is a thing of beauty), is too much for some people, especially if they have not yet commited themselves to joining the adventure, or had the joy of holding an ISIS in their hands. SW need to try and bring prices down to attract more people in for the long term, but maintain their current customer base - not alienate it.
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby Lodgecrest » Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:54 pm

Hey I just remember that I've paid for password guesses inadvance and I won't be able to use them after 1st Jan 2009. Can I get my money back Please (£55 left)....... :roll:

I too have asked for a repayment of my Treasure Chest Token together with my wife and Office co-worker. (£300)

I see this move as a way of SW losing Money, Clients and Fans fast...

I can not see them making it in 2009, if they keep it up. What has gone so wrong? This forum/adventure use to be such fun, but when you feel like you are being taken for a ride and made to feel like a fool people will not stand for it.

Come January and it will be Cornett80 just bappling away to himself (I think they call that the first sign of madness! :) )

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: A SAD TIME FOR ALL :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby bit1313 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:04 am

Lodgecrest wrote:Come January and it will be Cornett80 just bappling away to himself (I think they call that the first sign of madness! :) )

I'm sorry... I can't stop giggling like a little school girl. That just tickles me for some reason.
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby Toxophilite » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:16 am

I hope that's a typing mistake because if you look up the meaning of 'bapple' in the Urban Dictionary,
that sentence takes on a whole new meaning :shock:
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby cornettracing80 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:02 am

ya it would be nice if they could use proper english while insulting me :roll:

if all i have to read is negativity then i would rather "bapple" to myself anyway... :lol:
wasn't "babble" the word you where looking for?

so lodge your A full on Anti-SW protester the extent of bragging about costing them least you got a hobby :D

i expressed that i wanted you all to stay and that i wanted you all to be my i cared....trying in vain to get you to stop complaining and start wanting to be onboard....its obvious this wont happen...what will happen is anyone who doesnt pay will dissappear after January 1st....
what a blessing that will be to those of us who love the adventure and can afford it.
like i said before..but this time i know i have backing from on high
if you dont pay

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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby cornettracing80 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:09 am


so are they getting this ready so they can dump all this garbage into it?
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby The Eye of Pete » Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:50 am

Heheh Puzz is born salesman

That's a good pitch - I'm in for £20

Here's hoping enough people go for it to keep it alfoat. With that in mind, let's be NICE to those who are maybe hovering on the fence, still deciding?

Don't scare 'em off Steve, or it'll be babbles and bapples ahoy! :mrgreen:
See you at the next Pyramid...possibly.
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby Lodgecrest » Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:55 am

The Eye of Pete wrote:Don't scare 'em off Steve, or it'll be babbles and bapples ahoy!

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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby adamwest » Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:57 am

honestly I will throw down the money. in short because this is the only place i blog, it makes me feel smart talking to you guys, i couldn't find an adventure like this anywhere else and because it's funny to watch you guys fight like brothers and sisters :wink:

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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby Lodgecrest » Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:48 am

I like posting, early in the morning UK time as Cornett80 is asleep, and cannot come back to me :lol: :lol:

Well like I said before I don't like mentioning another posters personally, and to this end I offer my hand of friendship to you Cornett80. You have your view and you should have your say, but I find it hard that we have to now pay to chat. Someone has mentioned "pay to play, Free to chat"

I vote that this should be the way forwarded for SW.

I better stop now as soon others will accuse me of bappling! :lol:

Cornett80 please accept my apologies and god bless America!
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby stet » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:44 pm

What Sonicwarp really needs to do is sell more puzzles in more markets.

It seems to me that after this gets started, if you are a new customer and you buy one of these expensive puzzles from a shop that carries them (where most of the sales will happen), you open the package and read the instructions which tell you to log into their web site and register your puzzle. At this point you will be slapped with a subscription fee to register. I just can’t see most people doing this. Now it really won’t be that big of a deal with the Isis because you can solve it without any additional information gained from registering it, but the way they did the Ramisis pretty much requires you to have a registered account because once you reach the half way point (when you remove the key) you are provided important instructions on how to proceed. They will need to find an alternative way to get this important information to puzzle owners who haven’t registered.

As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m in this for the physical puzzles. When I purchased my Isis at The Sharper Image last year I was somewhat aware that there was an award zone of some sort that you had chance to win a prize in after you solve the puzzle. But that is not what attracted me to the Isis. After I registered my Isis I found out more about the riddles and pyramids and knew at that time that there were no physical pyramids anywhere near me and I assumed that there never would be. After I solved my Isis I did sign into a couple of the virtual pyramids and read the riddles, I even made a few quick guesses at the solutions. But I know that I’ll never spend the amount of time needed to fully research these. It’s just not my thing. If at the time I did this I had to pay for the privilege to read these riddles then I honestly wouldn’t have even bothered.

Keep in mind that those of us who post here are a very small minority of Isis owners. Those of us who have actively participated and successfully completed anything in the adventure is even smaller. How many Isis owners have never registered their puzzles in the first place? Quite a lot. We like to say that only 5% of Isis owners have solved it, but due to youtube and such I’m sure it’s higher then that. But of those who have solved it, how many really participate in the riddles and pyramids? Just a small portion of them. And how many of them wouldn’t have even bothered with that part of it if they had to pay extra for it? You already know my personal answer to this one. Their target audience of customers who will pay for this seems to be really small. Once again, what Sonicwarp really needs to do is sell more puzzles in more markets, not try to make a small amount of extra money from their most dedicated fans.

As others have said, I too hope that they keep this forum open to owners of the puzzles regardless of subscription status. My reason for this is because I do intend to buy these future puzzles as well as any special editions that get made. If it wasn’t for this forum I would not own an Isis 1C and a Ramisi5 because I would never have known about them.
Last edited by stet on Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby cornettracing80 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:55 pm

thanks lodge if you mean it,,,thanks anyway if you dont....i have been in constant contact with puzz all week long he has read this...all of it....i will not quote him i am not officially puzz's "isis adventure jesus" yet...the fee policy will be going forward....its not up for debate....but it will be REALLY sad to see any of you not continue over such a small thing...especially if its on principal....
i admit my tactics where not very good ...sorry ...for real....
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Re: alternate income Idea

Postby cornettracing80 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:08 pm

just for the record i do babble ....i get bored..i cant help it.... :oops: :oops:

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