The Isis Adventure Video

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The Isis Adventure Video

Postby steve » Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:04 am

I was just having a look at the French Isis Forum, and found this article about making an Isis Adventure Video.
Osiris wrote:Vidéastes amateurs et confirmés, ceci est pour vous.

L'Aventure Isis a besoin d'un spot publicitaire pour sa campagne de promotion à la télévision, mais au lieu de faire appel à une agence professionnelle qui ne nous proposera pas forcément quelque chose d'étonnant, on a décidé de faire appel à vous !

Réalisez nous un spot publicitaire de 30 secondes pour le puzzle Isis. Etonnez nous, amusez nous, bouleversez nous et on vous achètera votre film pour diffusion à la télévision. (Le contrat sera établi par un avocat spécialisé)

On va sélectionner 5 films, qui seront présentés à tous les aventuriers de l'Aventure Isis en France et dans le monde.
Tout le monde pourra voter pour son film préféré, on se charge des sous-titres, le gagnant se verra proposer un contrat, les quatre autres sélectionnés recevront des cadeaux.

Pour nous envoyer votre film, vous pouvez soit le mettre sur un site genre youtube ou dailymotion, soit nous l'envoyer par mail si vous l'avez compressé, ou demandez nous une adresse pour uploader votre film sur nos serveurs.

Bonne chance à tous, soyez imaginatif, inventif, laissez parler le fou qui est en vous, sortez des plates bandes et faites nous une merveille !

Voici les éléments à prendre en compte dans votre film :

- Le puzzle Isis est un superbe objet
- Le puzzle Isis est le puzzle le plus difficile au monde
- Le puzzle Isis peut rendre riche
- Le puzzle Isis permet de trouver des pyramides qui contiennent des pièces d'Or

Which loosely translates to:
Guests, members, this is for you.

The Isis Adventure needs a spot for its advertising campaign on television, but instead of seeking a professional agency that does not necessarily offer us something exciting, it was decided to call upon you!

Make us an advert of 30 seconds for the puzzle Isis. We will buy the winning video or film for broadcast on television. (The contract will be prepared by a lawyer)

We will select 5 films, which will be presented to all the adventurers of Isis Adventure in France and around the world.
The entire world can vote for their favorite movie, it takes care of subtitles, the winner will propose a contract, and the other four selected will receive gifts.

To send us your movie, you can either put it on a site or type youtube dailymotion, or send it by mail if you have compressed, or ask us an address to upload your movie on our servers.

Good luck to all, be imaginative, inventive, leave the crazy talk that is in you, get out of the flat strips and made us wonder!

Here are the elements to consider in your film:

-- Isis puzzle is a wonderful object
-- The Isis puzzle is the most difficult in the world
-- Isis puzzle can make rich
-- Isis puzzle can find pyramids which contain pieces of Gold

Did I miss this announcement? Or are the English speaking population not allowed to enter.
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Postby Laigle » Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:34 am

Steve wrote:Did I miss this announcement? Or are the English speaking population not allowed to enter

Everybody is allowed and very welcomed to enter.

But the contract for the winner will be done by a french lawyer based on french rates.
You have also to know that this contest has been launch by the french team by their own, it is not official and Sonic Warp is not involved in this.
But we do hope that we will be able to send them a lot of movies :)
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Postby steve » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:06 am

Thanks for the clarification Laigle, I did not know that each country had its own team; I thought everything was operated from Runcorn.
So if we make adverts, do we have to post links for them on the French Forum?
And what language should the audio track be in, French? English? Or perhaps Esperanto? :D
SW products opened: Isis 1,1A,1B,1C,Tut & Eagle Isis, Isis Umbrella, NKryptor, Ramisis, Kuku Hard & Copernisis
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Postby Laigle » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:03 pm

adverts can be in english, we will make french dubbing after if needed.
Send your video on the french forum yes.
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