Isis Shapes

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Isis Shapes

Postby cornettracing80 » Wed May 14, 2008 11:15 am

Welp, we know there is a sphere,and a pyramid...obviously there will be a cube..but what then? a column like cryptex shape?
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Postby bluesign2k » Wed May 14, 2008 11:47 am

I'd like to think that all the ISIS will be some sort of regular geometric shape. I like the idea of a cryptex too :)
A torus shape would be cool too but in not sure where you could easily put an opening in it without it being quite big.

Although I can't see it happening, I'd also like to see another sphere too just because they're so nice to handle...
I can't see myself playing with ISIS II quite as much as ISIS I just because it's a shape that you can't really just sit down and fiddle with while watching TV :?
That said, Im sure it'll just as much fun to open :D
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