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Hello from MN

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:42 pm
by erd
Well we're up to our eyes in snow and ice. So I decided to go out this weekend and pick up an Isis.

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:58 pm
by evilkeen
Welcome to the forum, and good luck with the Isis!

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:38 am
by EleventhHour
Hi Erd,
I'm a MN native. Relocated across the border into Sioux Falls. Grew up in Rochester. Good luck on your Isis. I just solved mine tonight after 3 months.

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:04 am
by Corvair
Minnesota native.

Received a Tessarisis for my birthday in 2013. Still trying to solve. I've lost count of how many times I've been 'one step away' and reset.

I didn't realize there were clues until last fall. I've solved these and they confirm what I was able to discern so far. One clue was particularly sinister, as it's use does not herald from this side of the pond. I'm still trying to understand the last so I can be rewarded. I'm presuming these clues don't tell all and I've missed something.

I've solved the Copernisis before I realized I needed to register.

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:24 pm
by greenwolf86
Hi Corvair,
Congrats on solving the Copernisis!
The clues don't tell the whole story for the tessarisis (or any of the other puzzles for that matter) but they do point you in the right direction.
Andrew Reeves (inventor) posted a short video on YouTube which could help you a little if you are stuck at the last part.
Good luck!

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:39 pm
by Corvair
Yep, saw the video and it also confirms what I thought was inside. I can get the final wheel to lock as in the video ( and can repeat this at will from reset in about 5 minutes - it would be faster if I used a stick like in the video ). However, once at this point, the top only moves slightly more than when the puzzle is reset, but does not open.

I see something missing in the video, which is clearly present, that is preventing my Tessarisis from opening. I have tactile feedback that my "something" (referenced in the first clue) is still in place. I seem to recall when I first got my Tessarisis that, with a lot of time and fidgeting, I could get more things to lock than I can now. I'm pretty sure these two things are related. Being confident that I can move between the final and reset states, I have tried different things along this journey to resolve my obstacle. I just don't recall what I did two years ago which I'm clearly missing today.

I also hear something, but think this is related to the Tarka.

My wife took a picture of the Tessarisis held against my forehead as if I were trying to commune with it. FWIW, this technique didn't help...

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:28 am
by greenwolf86
Ha ha, yeah, that's how I feel about the extreme edition...
It sounds like you are on the right track, just make sure you are performing the steps in order of the clues.

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:42 pm
by Corvair
Just opened my Tessarisis the other day. Thought my wife gave it to me for Christmas the year before I joined, making it 7+ years ago. However, an earlier post in this forum indicates I was gifted this in Oct. 2013. So it's actually taken 9.5 years to solve.

I've solved the cipher at the bottom of the well, plus deriving the code (similar to what others call the "7th clue"). Serendipity. Just as I'm typing this post, I glanced from this cipher (on one side of my desk) to the Tarka (on the other side of my desk) and made the connection. Very funny. It's easier to connect two related clues from the same page of a book instead of when those are separated by chapters (or a desk in my case)...

Now I'm pondering the "7th clue" and think I understand what action I need to take with the answer.

On a different note...
The original box has patterns around 4 of the sides. Are these extra clues, additional puzzles, red herring, or just decoration?
And, the original box has four 10-digit numbers inside, with a lot of blanks. The message says I'll be given a number when I register, but don't recall getting a number. I imagine these are clues to something else.

Re: Hello from MN

PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:38 pm
by Corvair
Anyone notice the resemblance of the Tessarisis to a fictional character from a book or movie?